Need Help Wiring


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Username: Spacecadet45

Post Number: 1
Registered: May-10
I've got two pair of 12" Audiobahn DVC Subs in their own basic boxes. Two RF 500w amps, and one RF 750w amp. I was running one pair of the subs on a Boss 1600w (dual 800w) amp bridged... I've got 4g ran from the battery and grounded in the trunk next to my space here but I don't know what I'm missing to connect both pairs of subs, and would it be a good idea to run a RF 500w amp on one of each of the audiobahns in the larger set? The magnets are huge on one pair compared to the other set. And then run one set on the 750w RF? I've also got a 10" JL sub by itself that I wanted to throw into the mix but if its too much work I don't need to. I understand I need a power dist block, so would I run 8g out of it to my amps? Please help me with any suggestions.

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 13526
Registered: Dec-03
OK, going from one sub to two (with the same power) is equal to doubling the power to one sub as far as output is concerned. With that in mind, my best suggestion is to stop mixing subs and trying for the "more is better" approach. This is a very common mistake when starting in car audio, but the truth is that the KISS approach (keep it simple) is usually the best way to go.

That noted, I'd say stick with the best pair of 12" subs you have and put them in a good, ported box tuned to around 28-34Hz range, and as for powering them, I need to know the number of coils on each sub, and how many ohms each coil is (2 or 4) before I can tell you what amp to use for which sub(s) for the best results.

Knowing the model #s of both the subs, and the amps would be of great benefit,, too.
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