Here are my plans for a box for two re SRX 12"s. The exact dimensions are 13hx33wx23d, 2x 4" ports 13.25" long. After displacements its around 3.97cu ft. Should I adjust ad make it exactly 4cu ft or does that really matter?
Hmm. 6 sq inches of port per cube may work out alright, but if it was me I would give it a little more to be on the safe side. I like 8-12 sq. inch of port when it comes to using aero's. Your box seems on the big side too. I think they only require just over a 1.0 cube ported each...
My current box is 3.34cu ft with 2x 3" ports tuned to 33Hz. The size of the new one I thinking of building was suggested by Glasswolf. I plugged it into bassbox 6 pro, and it all looks great. It should sound better then the current one.
I'm not sure about that Rov. I have heard boxes, build by reputable people where they gave them less port volume (like around 5 per cube) and I heard port noise on them. Just sayin And like Rovin said you wont hear the .3 cuft difference at all. I stilll think its a little on the big side but build it, listen and see how you like it!
I am currently using 2 4" flared areoports for 2 12" type r's and iirc my box is like 4cuft. Sounds just fine to me, if there is port noise I dont hear it.
Like canaan said, it depends on how much power your throwing at it. You should be able to get away with it with these low powered subs. Of course, the ones I heard port noise were getting a little over 1600 RMS, which is probably why port noise was present.
if im not mistaken you should not need the corners 45ed usually you would do that with the corners in a slot port, but since you are not using a slot port then you should not need to do it but definitely go ahead and listen to what others think before you trust me
Whether you put 45's in the corners is up to you. Your not going to notice any kind of difference in sound either way. But when i build enclosures I usually put a 45 in the port corner so that corner = the width of the port.
I just got all the wood cut, and screwed it all together except the front. How should the bracing be? One up and down, or one up and down AND one front to back?
Yep, so since your using aero's it's really just up to you... Brace from in between the subs to the back baffle. and you could also do one vertically. Use a dowel rod or some scrap mdf.