So I won a set of Infinity Perfect components off ebay for 134, never installed in car, was used for display setup in shop. They look brand new, from prices I've seen on these new, this was a pretty good deal. God I love ebay :D It's kinda addictive tho.
Now on to the question at hand:
I have a 4 channel Infinity Reference 475a specs are: RMS Power Rating: 4 ohms: 75 watts x 4 chan. 2 ohms: 90 watts x 4 chan. Bridged, 4 ohms: 180 watts x 2 chan.
Speaker specs are: Power Handling: RMS: 200 watts per system / 100 watts each side Impedance: 3 Ohms
Will this 4 channel run these things? or should I look into upgrading to a larger 4 channel amp?
Just trying to figure out the best way to set these up.
Also when setting these up, should I use the passive crossover that comes with them and just run right/left to each set? or should I run the drivers/tweeters to seperate channels on amp and make use of the built in highpass xovers on amp?
two ways to do this If you have a really good DSP or head unit, you can run fully active and use the signal processor as your crossover, time alignment, phase adjustment etc.. and run one speaker per channel without the Infinity crossovers.
The more common thing I'd do is bridge that Infinity amp to 2 channels, and feed each crossover module 180WRMS for the separates. The perfects are fantastic components. Great score
I'm using the excelon 993, descent built in xover not sure if it would handle the setup you suggested. however it does have a descent time alignment setup on it, not high end by any means. but descent.
I think i'll go with the bridged route just for simplicity and since I don't care much for the rear fill., thanks glasswolf, as always informitive response.
you'd need a 4-way crossover to do the first method. A digital signal processor that can split channels between high, midrange, and sub frequencies, not just front full range, rear full range, and sub.
Bridged works great with hte included filters for the Perfects. You'll be very impressed with thise components @ 180WPC
Planning on dynamatting the doors as well, any need for baffles at all?
Also on the bridging of the 4 channel, how exactly does it work? I know the front and rear are bridgeable, am i gonna lose my right/left functionality? Or does the amp only use one set of the rca inputs when bridged in x2 mode? Not really sure how it works lol.
baffles help just to keep dirt and water off the speakers in teh doors when it rains.. if you mean like those XTC baffles crutchfield sells.. sure.
bridging inverts one of the two channels, so you end up with a big 4 ohm stable stereo 2 channel amp. you still get right and left, just no rear channels, which is fine. rear fill isn't needed in a good system anyway.