Wife is gone and three kids are gone this weekend for the entire weekend!! wWouldn't it be great to have the N3 hack now.ViewSat/PanSat(euro/ecm666)pass 95%apr.N3 test , DN up only 80% (basic,sports,adults,ppv,inter.)Thanks : Oleg Ph.D
Sonicview 360 Elite v0219 V1_9.bin I-HUB UPGRADE Nov 14-09 Sonicview 360 Premier V0250 - V1_9.bin I-HUB UPGRADE Nov 14-09 Sonicview 8000 HD TE v470-b207 V1_9.bin I-HUB UPGRADE Nov 14-09
Sonicview IKS IHUB Channel List Of What It Can Get
lots more channels are NOW working for you on sonicview IKS Ihub 500+ channels SOME adults some PPV some international working enjoy Thanksleg Ph.D
Nalin Nyda !! Viewsat, and for the matter.. NO sat is any closer to hacking N3 than they were 3 months ago. All their hope was riding on Fred Raud who (supposedly) had thousands of pictures of the die (taken with that scope) and Trinity (who is now busted) who was gonna help put it all together, and send it to Korea for the finishing touches... see the way it works is.. you have your coders.. who actually do the hard work, who then pass the information on to the "team's" like Sonicview, Captiveworks etc..once those guys do what they have to do in regards to making that information work with receiver specific hardware, it then gets passed on to someone who actually has the source code to add in there, encrypt the bin, and pass it back to someone who distributes it to the masses. This is usually the process your beloved bin takes before it gets to ******** etc. Thats why it was always like.. "It's coming.. few hours... few more hours...because someone wasn't passing it along in a timely manner. Ok, now that we got this out of the way.. this brings us to today..
N3 is a beast and manufacturers like Nfusion knew that which is why they chose IKS off the bat. Kbox.. same thing... All hope was riding on these a.........s like David Fuss & Fred Raud who turned out to be rats and informants. Then Trinity got busted and sadness enveloped the community. I'm not certain who Trinity is but word had it that he or she was sharing information between CW, SV, & VS. So now that Trin is out of the picture, these guys are left to fend for themselves.
Some FTA sites (you know who they are) are stooping to new lows in an effort to keep their numbers up and their ad revenue. They are intentionally posting bullshit in an effort to jump start the community. I personally have been approached by a few people suggesting I create fake nicks here and post bullshit.. which I kindly turned down. I will not insult the fine members here by testing their intelligence. We have all been arond that barrel more than once and I'd like to keep this a place where you can get away from all that. Thats the main reason we rely on donations and our google ad revenue.. because the FTA dealers and manufacturers wanted us to "sell out" in order to jump onboard and we turned them down. We will not post whatever they want us to post, and we will not try to convince you to buy a receiver that we ourselves would not buy! Yes, I have been a mod, or supermod at some sites and I know the inner workings and what conversations really take place between staff members in private and most of it is a continual effort to deceive the masses to "keep them here". Thats why I joined the ranks of ******** and vowed to make it different.. no matter what revenue we may sacrifice in doing so. In turn, I realized that all you guys want is the truth and the donations continued to trickle in. So thats the way we keep it! Sucka Free!
Now for the truth that many of you contribute for monthly to hear on this site.. we thank those of you who have made it possible these last 2 years..
The truth is.. N3 is hacked, the cards are compromised and the information is being kept a closely guarded secret by the folks who are bringing you devices such as the "Slinger" by Mili and crew. They see this as their time to shine and make the money that FTA deprived them of. There is already evidence of "dealerware" and cards being programed in small circles. The people who have the information are actually too scared to sell it to anyone for fear of ending up in court next to Kwak. So the next suggestion is to "Just give it away", to which the reply is always.. "HELL NO". There is also word of a rom206 partial dump floating around which may or may not assist in a card hack or at the least, aid in opening more iks channels and keeping them open.
The main players or "Hero's" of last generation who contributed to the success of FTA are now in hiding and are leaving it all up to the new guys who are grasping at straws and trying to figure out how to keep their IKS setups from freezing every 10 seconds. Someone once said that "The future of testing will be IKS" and now I know they were onto something. If you hear bullshit rumors of a possible fix being released by an FTA brand.. you can automatically call bullshit if it hasnt been tested on a Triple Dragon, Dreambox, or PC Emulator card first. "Unless!" It gets leaked straight to an FTA coder by a disgruntled plastic hacker, or someone who trusts the other person enough to make a deal. FTA manufacturers are no longer making money off of sales so they no longer have the money to pay for any research. It's all being done in house now with limited resources.
Viewsat has laid off more than half of their employees and is now looking to IKS for the foreseeable future. Yes, you heard me right.. IKS. Regardless of what ftahq says... it's reality. I challenge anyone else to come in here and tell me otherwise. (I'm waiting...) Sonicview is in the IKS game but their Ihub really sucks right now and you cannot watch a descent program without having to toggle channels back and forth every time it freezes. That may have something to do with Microsoft's new Host Tracker software.. allowing chuck to play games.. or it could be simply that the people running the servers don't know what the hell they're doing. Nfusion seems to be running smooth but they don't have the big fights like Sonicview does. For now... you should either subscribe.. or attempt to embrace IKS while we wait for the information for a "True Standalone" fix to be leaked. You all saw the pictures of the rumored VS receiver with an ethernet port.. that was a real pic.
The bullshit release date we all had hopes for was nothing more than a ploy to sell receivers. I didnt find out till the very same day it was supposed to be released that it was in fact bullshit. The reason for that was I am thinking I cannot really trust my sources anymore either due to the fact that they know I speak the truth and people respect me for that, so they want to feed me bullshit to pass it on to you, so you accept it as truth.. thats why it takes me a bit longer now to separate fact from fiction.
Like Ive said before.. the game is not over and N3 is not as secure as the providers had hoped so we will continue to be here and provide you with "truthful" information even if it means scaring some of you away. If this site fails due to lack of donations and we have to close the doors, at least we will know we went out with respect! Thanks leg Ph.D
Oleg, double Ph.D. I have many issues with the sooth-sayer who wrote that article at the geeks. Basically, he thinks there is only one way to get to the top of Mt. Everest. and he has described in detail, where to hire the Sherpas, the food and packs, the animals you have to take and all the mountain climbing equipment.
Yes, you can do it that way with great difficulty. You can also fly over it and drop a person or several people by parachute, who would climb the last few feet!
And, God knows, there may be many other ways to get to the top!
Is amaizing and dissapointing the way we all behive...we need to play it smart...count the facts and then say something...don't just make assumptions without a solid base... Some of the statements of Oleg are true...however there are some others he assumed...we just can not trust everything...but reallity is we still in doom...we don not have way to verify the info or search for the truth...we are all hope there is someone like old times and comes with the solution..pls don't take it personel
Is amaizing and dissapointing the way we all behive...we need to play it smart...count the facts and then say something...don't just make assumptions without a solid base... Some of the statements of Oleg are true...however there are some others he assumed...we just can not trust everything...but reallity is we still in doom...we don not have way to verify the info or search for the truth...we are all hope there is someone like old times and comes with the solution..pls don't take it personel
A few things we need to remember in this day and age of Copyright infringement and lawsuits.
A "fix" is a simple 3 letter word that seems as easy as eating pie to ask for. We all want it, we're all asking for it and some expect it to come as some sort of "right" they have.
The actual truth is that besides a very few, no one knows what darkness lies beneath the FTA environment that most of you know.
Most of You know: You buy a rec and get free tv. Illegally at that. (Not anymore but that's besides my point). You experience ECM's and curse at the providers and wait for a simple "fix" from your courageous hero's the "coders" that are as anonymous to you as the actual effort it takes to give you free tv.
Its not as pleasant as you may think to be under the gun to code a fix. Its a life full of "who was that" "what was that" "am I gonna get caught?"
Some of them are normal guys and gals who have families and responsibilities that also happen to have a great knowledge of the realm of code.
Firstly, even a fix has been found for the N3 encryption algorithm it doesn't mean a fix a is coming soon.
This business relies on motivation. That motivation is usually money, although I know some who would release it just for the sheer joy of defeating it. However they would NOT risk their freedom to do it.
The problem is, for most teams that have been involved in N3 and have something, their not going to give it away. They need a buyer. Right now, even if you did have "something" who are you going to sell it too? Every single customer you potentially had is being watched. They would NOT hesitate to implicate you if it meant a better plea for them if they got caught.
So what do you do?
The safe thing to do is hold off for a while until the heat is off.
The other option is to release the "something" into the wild with no $$$ forthcoming.
The stage we see ourselves in now is that decision. Is it possible to make $$$ from this or should we just release it for the simple joy of beating them at their game?
Whichever team has found it, (and they have) has to weigh those options.
That's the waiting game we are in.
Imagine for a moment if you had managed to steal the Mona Lisa. Who could you show it to that wouldn't risk your freedom? Who could you sell it to that didn't have the art cops watching? The question is, how do you disseminate it and make money while not getting caught?
Its a hard life. Dark life. Paranoid life.........scary.........found this out there.Thanks Oleg Ph.D
Chumley: I am totally thrilled with your great ability to reading my posts but do you know anything about dry British humour?
Anyway, I was talking to Oleg, Double Ph.D.. I do not think it appropriate to interrupt such a profoundly interesting conversation with a very important person.
Chumley: From my stand point you seem to encourage idiots and idiocy...and then you would cry because nobody wants you to keep on spamming or posting something using 50 nicks. You don't deceive anybody.
With the recent outbursts of release date rumors (September 17 and October 22, for example; the Halloween release rumor, however, was only fabricated by a sleezy Ace. That one was posted by himself.), scam FTA sites are taking advantage of FTA user's judgement. And why shouldn't they? With lots of trust, belief and faith being put on the more convincing rumors, they're totally aware that people are easily sucked in. If you frequent a great community, be with them and take what they got. If they don't have it, it's not out there. On a side note, hundreds of virus infections, malware, etc. were released under the guise of being a fix for Viewsat. Those who took them should have learned their lesson: follow a trustable forum and if they already do, wait for that forum to release it, instead.
The September 17th rumor is nothing more but a poke at one of the exact dates of the previous years, involving legal matters behind Viewtech. Anyone with research capabilities should have figured this out.
Maybe the October 22nd rumor takes the naive cake. Being posted from the supposed VS official site, it brought up hope more than anything before. What most people forget or fail to grasp is that the site is known to have been hacked in the past and eventually taken over by money-laundering and money-sucking backwards cash cows. They in of themselves are responsible for half the scams that have risen prior to the false date. Speaking of these scams, several scam FTA sites claimed that they have the files ready for release on the 22nd and ask that people sign up at their forum at a fee. Once the 22nd had proven nonsense, they immediately changed the claim, simply stating that they merely heard information from other sources, not actually having the file. Right, they're really fooling us.
One of the more notable scam instances was made by a real common-sense lacker. A scam FTA site must have paid a low-end news site to post a news article saying that "N3 fixes were released for Viewsat on the 22nd and the said FTA site has the files." Only problem with this is that the article was posted on the 21st, ONE DAY BEFORE THE RELEASE DATE. Yeah, so apparently, they can predict the future, albeit unsuccessfully. It was all smokes and mirrors for their pay sign-up offers.
As far as N3 goes, no major progress has been made for standalone fixes. Currently, only one method works best, and it's not yet at the best state as instability plagues the solution. This particular solution is frowned upon by some FTA communities and puts the users at risk of their IP being exposed. But if they want channels on satellite, they take that route. The recent legal enforcements definitely play a part in this very slow progress, as people are afraid to do anything at all without have hot cake authorities tazing their a... If you want a basic idea of how much has progressed in the N3 cracking: it's been the same as it was in July. Of course, it's a little more complicated than that, but know that the current hacking trend points to a solution being released at least 2 years away.
How many of you forgot that BEV underwent the 2-3 transition much earlier than DN? This compounds the low progress further down. Relative to when BEV was hit (about a year ago), progress is even less in that instance.
Some say hope for standalone fixes are a waste and that new methods of getting those channels back resort to newer types of receivers.
Avoid the likes of the transformer imposters who are being fed as the trolls they are. Equally ignore the more notable Cyphris as he is another, more sophisticated troll.
You want a standalone fix? Wait for at least 3 major progress/development milestones from the coders before getting your hopes up. We're currently at 0.
Simply look for other aspects in life to entertain you. Take this lightly, but considerably, when we say that N3 may have just marked the sinking of this ship, our current generation of standalone receivers.
Username: Oleg1474 Full Name: OLEG PENKOVSKY Last Logged In: November 19, 2009 Registered: August 29, 2006 Total Posts: 1392 Status: Gold Member Home Page URL: http://yahoo Occupation: engineer City: GRU State/Province: CCCP Zip Code: KGB Country: RUSSIA Age: 35 Sex (M/F): m Alt. E-mail address: olegshkraba@yahoo.com Years of A/V Industry Experience: 17 Total A/V System Value: 17 Your A/V System: ViewSat / PanSat Click Here to send a private message to Oleg1474
"Just a message to all the FTA members out there regarding N3 fix...
With the recent outbursts of release date rumors (September 17 and October 22, for example; the Halloween release rumor, however, was only fabricated by a sleezy Ace. That one was posted by himself.), scam FTA sites are taking advantage of FTA user's judgement. And why shouldn't they? With lots of trust, belief and faith being put on the more convincing rumors, they're totally aware that people are easily sucked in. If you frequent a great community, be with them and take what they got. If they don't have it, it's not out there. On a side note, hundreds of virus infections, malware, etc. were released under the guise of being a fix for Viewsat. Those who took them should have learned their lesson: follow a trustable forum and if they already do, wait for that forum to release it, instead.
The September 17th rumor is nothing more but a poke at one of the exact dates of the previous years, involving legal matters behind Viewtech. Anyone with research capabilities should have figured this out.
Maybe the October 22nd rumor takes the naive cake. Being posted from the supposed VS official site, it brought up hope more than anything before. What most people forget or fail to grasp is that the site is known to have been hacked in the past and eventually taken over by money-laundering and money-sucking backwards cash cows. They in of themselves are responsible for half the scams that have risen prior to the false date. Speaking of these scams, several scam FTA sites claimed that they have the files ready for release on the 22nd and ask that people sign up at their forum at a fee. Once the 22nd had proven nonsense, they immediately changed the claim, simply stating that they merely heard information from other sources, not actually having the file. Right, they're really fooling us.
One of the more notable scam instances was made by a real common-sense lacker. A scam FTA site must have paid a low-end news site to post a news article saying that "N3 fixes were released for Viewsat on the 22nd and the said FTA site has the files." Only problem with this is that the article was posted on the 21st, ONE DAY BEFORE THE RELEASE DATE. Yeah, so apparently, they can predict the future, albeit unsuccessfully. It was all smokes and mirrors for their pay sign-up offers.
As far as N3 goes, no major progress has been made for standalone fixes. Currently, only one method works best, and it's not yet at the best state as instability plagues the solution. This particular solution is frowned upon by some FTA communities and puts the users at risk of their IP being exposed. But if they want channels on satellite, they take that route. The recent legal enforcements definitely play a part in this very slow progress, as people are afraid to do anything at all without have hot cake authorities tazing their azzes. If you want a basic idea of how much has progressed in the N3 cracking: it's been the same as it was in July. Of course, it's a little more complicated than that, but know that the current hacking trend points to a solution being released at least 2 years away.
How many of you forgot that BEV underwent the 2-3 transition much earlier than DN? This compounds the low progress further down. Relative to when BEV was hit (about a year ago), progress is even less in that instance.
Some say hope for standalone fixes are a waste and that new methods of getting those channels back resort to newer types of receivers.
Avoid the likes of the transformer imposters who are being fed as the trolls they are. Equally ignore the more notable Cyphris as he is another, more sophisticated troll.
You want a standalone fix? Wait for at least 3 major progress/development milestones from the coders before getting your hopes up. We're currently at 0.
Simply look for other aspects in life to entertain you. Take this lightly, but considerably, when we say that N3 may have just marked the sinking of this ship, our current generation of standalone receivers.
The website that was strongly associated with Viewsat and was promising imminent release of N3 BINS has been offline for the past three days. This could be a very bad sign for VS owners and FTAers in general.Russian TEAM666 DN-up / N3
Fidel i was talking to my neighbour and he is soccer maniac he wants to know ! if 39"dish with invacom can capture signal from ontario canada? i mean Hispasat 1c 1 d thanks for any info.
The original plan was for an early 2010 release of new Viewsat True FTA files. We are moving up the timetable and hope to release a full North American C/Ku BETA file before the end of the weekend.
But VS owners, please settle down!
The BETA is being tested right now and will be released as soon as it meets with approval, euro/ecm666 new release comming soon.Thanks (Team666)
Just as "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder", so is our presicous, inimmitable, unduplicatable, unpredictable, always alert, sensational, never abusive, always entertaining, Oleg, Double Ph.D.
Many users have been posting wanting updates on Viewsat/ Pansat. Also there is a rumor going around that Team666 is closing the doors. First off let me say Team777 is here to stay and we are not going anywhere. We are the home of Viewsat/Pansat and always will be.
Viewsat/Pansat and coders are working hard as they can for a solution. Im not giving any dates or anything but just going to say that progress is being made and that there is hope still alive. Everyone just bare with us and keep checking the site for updates.Thanks:TEAM6969
Why does everyone keep taking the bait from Oleg?Anyone who posts dates for fixes on N3 are full of crap.If and when there is a hack there will be No release date,the fix will just be released without worning.These threads are entertaining.
there are plenty of reasons many - myself included - take proverbial bait, and all of them culminate on, wanting free sat tv from for pay sources off otherwise dead fta boxes. DUH.
Is like cancer victims who believe, and will try, anything that is short of a cure. can anyone blame them?
Allegations of corporate-sponsored hacking and espionage by Rupert Murdoch's pay-TV software maker NDS have now crossed the Atlantic. In the past two weeks, both U.S. satellite TV firms EchoStar Communications Corp. and DirecTV Inc. have initiated legal action against the News Corp. subsidiary, adding to the legal troubles of NDS which earlier this year was the target of a $1 billion lawsuit by French pay-TV concern Canal Plus.
IN ITS FILING, EchoStar argued that NDS employees hacked into access cards made by Nagrastar, a joint venture between EchoStar and Swiss digital broadcast technology company Kudelski.
It alleged that NDA was trying to make "pirate technology ... intended to facilitate the reception and decryption of EchoStar's encrypted satellite-delivered television programming service by persons not authorized to receive such programming," according to legal papers filed Friday in the U.S. District Court in San Francisco.
In September, DirecTV filed a suit of its own against NDS, alleging misappropriation of trade secrets, fraud and other violations relating to access services to DirecTV. The suit was filed under seal in the U.S. District Court in Los Angeles.
Vivendi Universal's Canal Plus Technologies sued NDS earlier this year, alleging that the company intercepted codes embedded in access cards that allow the satellite TV companies to control what programming its subscribers can see. The lawsuit by Canal Plus, which is an NDS rival, was temporarily put on hold when Vivendi Universal announced a deal to sell its Italian pay-TV service Telepiu to News Corp. Ltd. But even that litigation is now pressing forward, Canal Plus says.
The lawsuits all center around the issue of access, or smart cards. Smart cards are the key that unlocks the multi-billion dollar pay-TV industry. The size of a credit card, smart cards contain the information necessary for viewing programs on satellite TV networks like DirecTV and EchoStar's Dish Network. Pay-TV firms pay millions to develop uncrackable Smart Card technology because the cards are the only protection they have for their only corporate asset -- customers who will pay for TV subscriptions.
Until recently, NDS made the cards which protected DirecTV, the largest U.S. pay-TV firm. NDS' main competitor, Kudelski Group, makes the cards that defend EchoStar's DISH NETWORK under the label NagraStar. Canal Plus, meanwhile, makes its own cards.
At the center of the controversy surrounding NDS is the fact that pirates have managed to crack the encryption on every one of those systems, and one by one, word is emerging that the pirated companies are claiming NDS did the cracking to gain competitive advantages in the marketplace.
The Canal Plus lawsuit, filed in March, came complete with whistleblower testimony that described what sounded like a made-for-television movie of the week. Essentially, the French firm accused Murdoch's company of hacking its pay-TV smart cards at a secretive lab in Israel. NDS then gave away the hacking instructions on the Internet to encourage widespread piracy of their competitor's service, undermining Canal Plus' entire business, the lawsuit claims.
Canal Plus threatened to expose much more chicanery in scheduled public depositions, and in open court. But NDS seemed to have escaped the potential embarrassment in June when Canal Plus parent Vivendi Universal agreed to drop the suit as part of a larger deal with News Corp. Struggling Vivendi agreed in principal to sell its Italian pay-TV business, Telepiu, to News Corp. on June 8 for $900 million, and agreed to drop the Canal Plus piracy lawsuit as a condition of the deal.
But in August, with the details of the Telepiu deal still up on the air, the Canal Plus lawsuit got new life, as U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker declined to drop the case. Laura Kline, spokesperson for Canal Plus, said this week "we are moving forward with the lawsuit," but declined further comment.
And now it looks like the case will go on, even if Canal Plus eventually backs out. On Friday, EchoStar petitioned to U.S. District Court in Northern California to join the Canal Plus case. According to the EchoStar's petition, it filed the case Friday because it was afraid settlement discussions between Canal and News Corp would result in destruction of evidence, as "the parties will destroy the documents and deposition testimony produced thus far."
The EchoStar case essentially parrots the Canal Plus case, but court documents provide a few additional details about the secretive, multi-million dollar pay-TV piracy business. In court documents, EchoStar alleged its smart card technology was cracked by NDS scientists working at a research lab in Haifa, Israel. The trick to stealing EchoStar television was then allegedly given by NDS employee Chris Tarnovsky to Allen Menard, who operated TV piracy site DR7.com. Menard also allegedly ensured the secret file was given away on other Web sites, including hitechsat.com and discountsatellite.com, according to the lawsuit.
NDS declined an interview for this story, but provided a statement that claims EchoStar joined the lawsuit to deflect attention from its own business problems to gain leverage for its pending deal with the other U.S. satellite-TV giant, DirecTV.
"The proposed EchoStar/NagraStar complaint is basically a repetition of Canal's groundless lawsuit, which was filed over six months ago," the statement said. "If this complaint were really about remedying a wrong done to EchoStar and NagraStar, it would have been brought sooner."
But NDS is now fighting a two-front legal battle in the U.S., with EchoStar's merger partner DirecTV revealing Sept. 18 it also had sued NDS. The case has been sealed, so there are few details, but DirecTV indicated in a vague press release that the case accuses NDS of "breach of contract, fraud, breach of warranty and misappropriation of trade secrets."
Earlier this year, DirecTV announced it was terminating a long-standing relationship with NDS as its Smart Card supplier. At the time, both firms said publicly the termination had nothing to do with piracy problems. But sources told MSNBC.com that DirecTV has been frustrated with NDS for some time, and that NDS employees were barred last year from working on any DirecTV conditional access systems related to Smart Card production. Another source confirmed that DirecTV's relationship with NDS had grown increasingly rocky over recent years, as DirecTV became more frustrated with NDS' apparently inability to keep hackers from stealing signals.
A DirecTV spokesperson said the firm couldn't comment on the current litigation because "our complaint is under seal so I can't speak about the specific allegations or the context of the suit."
The various pay-TV firms have a complex, and sometimes bitter, history. Murdoch, through his media giant News Corp. firm, has spent years trying to buy his way into the U.S. market. A failed merger with EchoStar was scrapped in 1997. Then last year, Murdoch was set to acquire DirecTV when EchoStar swooped in with a last-minute bid that trumped News Corp.'s offer.
The proposed EchoStar-DirecTV merger faces an uncertain future, with federal regulators concerned that it might create a monopoly that would hurt U.S. satellite TV customers. In its statement, NDS suggested that may have been another motivation for the EchoStar suit.
"Within the last few days, it was widely reported that two federal agencies may block EchoStar's merger with DIRECTV. NDS's parent company News Corporation has in the past made several attempts to acquire DIRECTV," the NDS statement read. "EchoStar and NagraStar are bringing this lawsuit now in an obvious attempt to distract attention from the numerous problems of those involved with EchoStar and NagraStar and to harm NDS." Thanks Team777
Oct. 2 2002- Allegations of corporate-sponsored hacking and espionage by Rupert Murdoch's pay-TV software maker NDS have now crossed the Atlantic........
NEW RELEASE COMMING SOON !!! Advanced Warning Of Sites To Stay Away From!!! Do Not Go To The Sites Listed Below If You Been There Stop Going There Do Not Pay Any Of the Sites Listed Below NO websites have any N3 working file fixes for ANY receivers beware that there is SCAMs claiming they have a N3 fix DO NOT PAY any site that says that its a total lie and a scam. Some of these websites also collect your ADDRESS info when you pay (unlike here). More and more sites are getting busted and going down. dont put you or your info at risk by joining a site that will put you and your info at risk. Also dish is going after sites and trying to take them down or over to and also go after info they can.
Paid Website Scams: For legal reasons and because they are scams you should stay away from the sites below. ftascene.com/ ftafiles.com/ ftareceiverforum.com/ ftacodes.com/ n2news.com/
Sites To Stay Away From For Legal Related Reasons: satscams. al7bar. future-fta. f2atv. hashhu. newdoc. completefta. purefta. ftapeople. totalfta.
THIS LIST DOES NOT COVER 100% OF ALL SITES THAT ARE BAD AND YOU SHOULD STAY AWAY FROM THERE ARE MORE. please post problems issues or comments on other bad sites.
Safe Good Sites: myftahome.com ftatech.net ftabins.net ftaconcept.com freeairftarofum.com (paid site)
The bad sites listed above are called bad sites because they pose a big risk to you if you use them. Most of the sites to stay away from have been named in Dish Network law suits and echostar is going after them to the full extent of the law. there is other sites that pose a risk and have a good chance of getting busted or raided but these websites above carry the most risk at this time. for us to name bad fta websites it is not something we want to do but WE HAVE to right now because sites are getting busted left and right and the users are at most risk. some of the paid sites above collect your full info including address info if they are busted you will get a letter in the mail, this site never collected that type of info.Thanks:Team1234(12/19/2009)
Will this be an Oleg Ph.D coded bin or a release from a different coder/coders? I like the Oleg bins because they are universal and work on any receiver.
Seriously, this thread must end now. Please don't post anymore. Everybody put in joint effort to end this thread. It has grown too much. Thanks in advance.
Do not deny the Great Oleg Pu.D this thread. We need to keep all of his valuable information in one place for reference. Take this thread away from Oleg and his posts will be scattered about in all of the other threads like they used to be.
Im new to this site i always got my information from 3 other sites freedomfta bindepot myfriendsareyourfriends all 3 went down a few days ago anyone know why?
It is tough times for FTA sites. Not much going on and everybody know that there is very little news. The sites probably found it difficult to pay their bills.
Registrant: Freedomfta Regent St. Sudbury, ON P3E 3Z7 CA
Administrative Contact: Jestrano, James protected e-mail Regent St. Sudbury, ON P3E 3Z7 CA 705 521 6778 Technical Contact: Support, Tech protected e-mail 13800 Coppermine Drive Suite 112 Herndon, VA 20171 US +1.7038155670 Fax: +1.7038155675
Registration Service Provider: SWsoft Inc., protected e-mail This company may be contacted for domain support questions.
Registrar of Record: TUCOWS, INC. Record last updated on 22-Apr-2009. Record expires on 14-Jan-2011. Record created on 14-Jan-2007.
Registrar Domain Name Help Center: http://domainhelp.tucows.com
Domain servers in listed order: NS1.FREEDOMFTA.COM NS2.FREEDOMFTA.COM
Marry Christmas !!! Happy New Year !!! ViewSat/PanSat Users!! Many users have been posting wanting updates on Viewsat/Pansat. Also there is a rumor going around that Team Euro is closing the doors. First off let me say Team Euro is here to stay and we are not going anywhere. We are the home of Viewsat/Pansat and always will be.
Viewsat/Pansat and coders are working hard as they can for a solution. Im not giving any dates or anything but just going to say that progress is being made and that there is hope still alive. Everyone just bare with us and keep checking the site for updates.Thanks: Team007 ~GOD BLESS YOU !!~
Do not believe a word about N3 fix. Those bins are history. No more fixes...Pay TV is the only solution now or get IKS. Meanwhile, watch FREE Cuban TV on Hispasat 1C,1D and its National Baseball League. Enjoy!!!!
Thanks for keeping your excellent info in this thread Oleg. It saves your followers from having to sort through all of the other inane, useless threads to keep up with your valued information. Keep up the excellent work and please continue to post it in this thread for everyone's convenience.
A huge happy new year to you and your family we wish you the best in this new year please post your new years resolutions here.
New Year's Eve has always been a time for looking back to the past, and more importantly, forward to the coming year. It's a time to reflect on the changes we want (or need) to make and resolve to follow through on those changes.
Tell us what your resolution is going to be for 2010 and in a few months we will check back with you to see how your doing with it, we will do our best to help you keep your resolution this year!!!! Team 666
I think I'm going to pick up a couple of the D9034-S models just to have on hand. I don't know if I'll have a use for them or not, but they'll be nice to have on hand in the event I do.
Justforhohas: This is about equipment made by Cisco, the largest in the field of communications with the largest world-wide sales and sales force. You may not like it, but Banglosre in India has the largest or the second largest office of this company. When you read this post, the message will have passed through about 7 peices of Cisco equipment.
no bangalore doesn't have the largest or second largest cisco office....it has several sales offices, and the global development center.... which is the largest Dev Center outside of the US...an entire head count of about 5k employees in all of India, that Dev Center probably doesn't even make the top 10 largest when put against any of the ones in the US.
We have Official Word From a Viewsat/CNX Spokesman. Nagra 3 Release STAND ALONE BIN is coming within the next couple weeks.
It seems We Were Correct As Usual. That After The Superbowl the Stand Alone bins would be released. Why? And Why The Long Wait? Well its easy to explain why. IKS Was a whole new branch they could make money off of. Why fix old receiver's when they can make a whole new slew of cash buy adding addon's. Now that IKS has took a pup, now its time to release the big dog and start getting money the old way by pushing regular receivers!