It seems that several of the .org sites purporting to be the official sites of various IKS receivers, were not official sites, but were run by people fromone site. These sites have been taken over by the satscam group. It is not clear if the owners of satscams site are Nigra, dish or hackers.
News can be obtained form sites like: - this site. www.dsstester*com
DISH NETWORK, LLC, ECHOSTAR TECHNOLIGIES, L.L.C. and NAGRASTAR, L.L.C., PLAINTIFFS v. CHARLES K. CARILLO, d/b/, d/b/, d/b/, d/b/a,d/b/a, d/b/ andd//b/a andCRISTOPHER CARILLO, d/b/, d/b/,d/b/a, d/b/awww.unmodifiedsatellitereceivers.comand d/b/a
That pursuant to Title 47 U.S.C. A 605(e)3 and pursuant to Count III of the Plaintiffs' FirstAmended Complaint Judgment shall enter against the Defendants, jointly and severely, inthe amount of $500,000.00 for the Defendants' violations of 47 U.S.C. A 605(e)4.
The Defendants will be entitled to the satisfaction as to the monetary elements of the$500,000 judgment after December 31, 2012 if they: 1. cooperate with the Plaintiffs, giving truthful, complete, accurate statements or givingtruthful, complete, accurate testimony as to any of the Plaintiffs' investigations and/orlitigation regarding satellite piracy, without the Plaintiffs having to resort to summonsor subpoena keeping confidential all of the information they may learn or they maygive the Plaintiffs pursuant to this cooperation obligation; 2. pay $100,000 to the Plaintiffs with the Defendants paying the Plaintiffs: the sum of$33,000.00 on or before January 15, 2010; $33,000.00 on or before December 31,2010 and the sum of $34,000.00 on or December 31, 2011; 3. Transfer the domain names of all websites associated with the Defendants as referencedin the Amended complaint to the Plaintiffs within 30 days of the judgment in thisaction; and 4. fully abide by the terms of the injunction set forth below.