Weird Problem


New member
Username: Nolan004

Post Number: 1
Registered: Mar-10
I have a 94 Dakota with an aftermarket JVC headunit and roadmaster speakers all around (cheap I know). I also have a 10" Memphis PR sub powered by a Lightning Audio 250 w amp. The problem is with the speakers. With the engine off, everything is fine, however when I start to drive around the speakers will fade all the way out eventually. When I come to a stop they will fade back in, bat as soon as I let off the brake pedal, they fade out again.

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Columbia, SC USA

Post Number: 12525
Registered: Dec-03
check your wiring.
ground points for amplifier and head unit
line from battery to amplifier (direct not through a fuse box in the glove compartment)
remote trigger for amplifier

New member
Username: Nolan004

Post Number: 2
Registered: Mar-10
I have checked and double checked the wiring. The headunit is grounded directly to the battery. The strange this is, when the speakers fade out, the sub does not fade.
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