Hello. I'm new to the whole HDTV scene and I'm trying to decide which TV to buy. After much researching I'm torn between the Sony KP57WS510 and the KP57WV600 model. Sony's website has the first one for $1,999 and the second one for $2,499 but I found both models at oncall website for only about a $140 difference. I compared the specs on both TV's and they seem to be very much the same, but then again I don't know much about TV's so I wanted to ask you guys if you think it's worth the extra $140 to get the second model instead of the first one. From the money aspect looks like a good choice, so I'm having trouble choosing. Thanks for your help!
Thats funny. Im facing the same problem. The WV600 has a protective shield and offers memory disk capability. Plus there are some HD features that i dont get. THe WS510 is just a normal tv without the special WV600 features.