Dish sub with existing 22 inch and 33 inch


Bronze Member
Username: Sandyr

Post Number: 19
Registered: Apr-08
Hi ,
I live in Canada . My sister lives in the US. I have an Echostar reciever which I was using 5 yrs back. Since the Tamil package which Dish has is tempting, can I sub to this pack with my existing reciever and dish?

What are the things I should do and should not do? Any help on this is appreciated.

Rogers and Bell, both fleece us with the same channels and I don't want to go with either of them.

Silver Member
Username: Ei_toro_the_great

Post Number: 124
Registered: Feb-10
sandy....your sister that lives in the USA
is she a Dish Network Subscriber?

Bronze Member
Username: Sandyr

Post Number: 20
Registered: Apr-08
no. she lives in a townhome which has comcast. No dishes allowed. She moved to AT&T because of a better deal now.

does it make a difference?

Silver Member
Username: Ei_toro_the_great

Post Number: 125
Registered: Feb-10
sandy.........does it make a difference?

YES.........ask your sister to find you one of her
friends in the USA that would share with you.

in the meantime check this thread out.

Platinum Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 16183
Registered: Jan-06
LMAO...aah sandy , what are U trying to achieve?...explain what TV provider company ya want (Dishnet, ATT, Comcast, etc..and the exact type programming package) and what exact hadware ya have...

I think U R trying to say ..U want Echostar/Dishnet (DN) and have some unknown Dishnet hardware...but whats does yer sister in the US have to do with it, if she had Comacst but switched to ATT?...ya really need to explain some things..

U cannot get subscribed DN in Canada, unless U share it with someone who had a DN account living in the US....

if yer talking about using FTA receivers for DN, then also explain what U want...

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 12988
Registered: Jan-08

You don't need to be rude with Sandy!

What he want to know is very clear!

The answer is no! He can't with his syster because she can't use a dish in her area!

The solution like Whisker said is found a friend in USA or use a IKS receiver!

Platinum Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 16184
Registered: Jan-06
OK..after, doing a lil searching, I see Tamil packages are Indian internationals, carried by both DirectTV (DTV) and DN...

since U gonna have to sub share with someone in the USA, I see that the DTV Indians packages are much better with more channels w cheaper costs, than the DN Indian Tamil 3 channel package for $30....

so whoever ya use ,yer gonna need them to send ya an activated receiver along with a new access smart just buy a DTV dish from craigslist or ebay and aign it yourself or pay somebody to do it for ya...

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18399
Registered: Jun-06
"My sister lives in the US. I have an Echostar reciever which I was using 5 yrs back."
"She moved to AT&T because of a better deal now. "

None of the above is compatible with DN tamil channels except that fact aht you have a reltive in America who can arange things for you.

"What are the things I should do and should not do? "
You do not rely on the 5 year old DN receiver.
You arrange for your sister to have a DN sub, asking her to get the channles you want. She will be able to get awy with not having the installation donw there. Preferrably it should be activated there somehow thorugh freinds, neighbours or country men.
After it comes to Canda, you will have to rescan it.
Make sure she also gets Dish LNB for 118W.

Silver Member
Username: Ei_toro_the_great

Post Number: 127
Registered: Feb-10
Chopper you said a mouth full.
LK is 100% right, who ever heard that you
need to scan with a sub receiver?

All a sub needs to do is point their dish to the
same satellite that the subscriber is pointed too
and will only receive the channels that are on the
subscriber's account. LK is wasting his time arguing
with Nalin and his Bird Dog.

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18406
Registered: Jun-06
It is a new Dish, a new LNB, and a new pointing.

Take your reciever to Canada, and find out for yourself

You have to scan to set it up properly.

Bronze Member
Username: Yakkydoodle

Post Number: 53
Registered: Feb-10
do i detect a hint of hostility in the previous post?

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 12992
Registered: Jan-08

Like many above posts by LK!

Silver Member
Username: Ei_toro_the_great

Post Number: 129
Registered: Feb-10
Chopper and LK
Nalin and his Bird Dog have some good ones here.

My two favorites are Nalin telling a Newbie
that he will need a HD dish

the other was Plymouth telling King that he was
picking up C-band channels with his 33" dish
on EchoStar 3 at 61.5°W

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 12994
Registered: Jan-08

Don't start trouble with me!

Post the complete thread where i said that, I scanned with C-Band frequencies and got many channels not scanned with the good setting!

This thing is very old!

You posted a idiotie last week and is I kick you with that?

Silver Member
Username: Ei_toro_the_great

Post Number: 131
Registered: Feb-10
Don't start trouble with me!

No trouble only the truth, you have a problem with that?

You posted a idiotie last week and is I kick you with that?

Let me see the post

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18407
Registered: Jun-06
Whiskeys: Can you read?

It is a new Dish, a new LNB, and a new pointing.

Take your reciever to Canada, and find out for yourself

You have to scan to set it up properly.

Gold Member
Username: Doreenakadj


Post Number: 3954
Registered: Dec-06
I don't remember ever scanning my Bell receiver. My c-band I just "fixed" the card, stuck it back in the DTV RECEIVER and it picked up the channels. Kinda hard to "scan" when the dish is in motion don't ya think ? LOL

Plymouth is it like tunning into a AM station on a radio and picking up TV channels? >>>> I DON'T GET IT ?

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18437
Registered: Jun-06
If you get a sub from dish, your LNB with 118/119 may not be accepted by DN receiver.
I think you should get over the big hurdle of getting your subscription and then after the receiver arrives, if it works with the current LNB/switches, fine; otherwise you can buy the necessary LNB and switches later.

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 13014
Registered: Jan-08

Nalin is right, buy a dish from Dn with his own LNB, you will found it on Ebay, you can buy it from or many other sites!

Bronze Member
Username: Sandyr

Post Number: 23
Registered: Apr-08
thanks for all the advice guys. really appreciate it.

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 13029
Registered: Jan-08
The truth is that this thread is for Dn not Direct Tv!

I had sud for 5 years with Bev, I installed many Bev system for friends and families then 2 Starchoice system, I have no lesson to receive from you.

I missed C-Band system which is easier to set than new system with multiple switch and harware that a simple receiver and a motorized dish, that will be very easy for me to installed this kind of system!

Stop you arguing!
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