Dropped by the local emporium a few days ago and they had some Dali Ikon6 in the hotseat.
Man, what a jaw-drop. I know I don't get out much to see new equipment, but why hasn't anyone here said anything about these here? Now, I simply don't have the background listening to so many different speakers, but this struck me as something special, especially since just a month ago they had some Paradigm in the same spot. They were good, too, but these Dali's were special. I don't even know the associated gear, except when the Paradigms were up, they were driven by a Pass Labs amp that looked forklift worthy. Dali's amp is unknown.
I'm not very fond of Dali speakers and heard them many times. Not my cup. Well designed and not bad to look at. I believe they are a good speaker that simply doesn't appeal to me.