Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right place, but I've been googling for days but couldn't find a lead. I'm planning to get the Paradigm Mini Monitors. The store has V.5 and V.6 but only V.5 is in my preferred finish. Also the V.5 is 65 USD less than V.6 (the V.5 was a display unit). So my question is, should I go for V.5 or go for a color I can live with but not my first choice and 65 USD more for a new V.6. I mean, is the V.6 that much better than V.5?
I guess I should mention that this is the only store that I can get this from.
There are a couple of small changes to the v6. They tweaked the crossover and changed the grilles so that they stay on better. The crossover update is what should be of greater interest. The v5 Mini and Titan Monitor both had some problems with sounding a bit bloated at the bottom end and a little ragged at the top. The v6 update was supposed to take care of that. I emailed Paradigm and asked them what the v6 changes were, and that's how I know. Ofcourse they didn't characterize the sound of the v5's as I did. If you can listen to them both, I would, and decide from there what you want to do.
As Art recommends, audition if possible. The price difference seems to be negligible. Color .... your ears are blind, but they would most appreciate the difference.
I'd like to thank all of you for helping me decide. Actually I was a bit skeptical and thought I'd be ridiculed for such a silly question, but you guys made me feel at home. Thanks.
I've decided on the V6. I really have no option of auditioning. I've asked a friend to bring it for me from HK as we don't have any proper shops here. There are around 2 HiFi Audio stores but they have random equipment. I went over but found nothing I liked.
As for the confusion, all the reviews, and somewhere I saw V.4 is worse than V.3. So my confusion was if V.6 is worse than V.5 or even if not worse, if it's the same.
Good choice Jhinuk. The V6's are a great improvement. The V5 Atoms were good however. The V6 line up from the Atoms right to the 11's are a huge improvement over the V5's. My mother just purchased a new house and a while back I got her a NAD T754 which she was using with sub par white van speakers. Her and I went speaker shopping at Red Ball Radio (my dealer) and we sat down and listened to the Atoms, Mini Monitors and Titan's (all V6) as well as the Monitor Audio Bronze BR2 which all came in her price range, with stands for under a 800 dollars. The most musical to her ears were the Paradigm Mini Monitor V6's, which to my surprise were my favorite as well by a good long shot. The amp was a NAD 326bee and matching NAD CDP. The new Mini Monitor V6's are my new budget favorite until I hear something at their price point that is better. They are 500 dollars and I picked the very nice matching stands that are around 200. My dealer gave them both to my Mom for 500 taxes in. Great deal. The best 500 dollar speakers I have heard yet are the Mini Monitor V6's, and I have heard a lot at that price point. Anyway, just thought I would share my story. Cheers.
Thanks for the reassurance. Specially the way Nick explained it, if I weren't sold already, I'd have been after I read his post. This is a great community.