I just recently got an amplifier installed in my car, nothing fancy just a Jensen jxp680, i wasnt looking for high quality just something to give my music a little kick, anyway since it was installed i have noticed a slight humming or buzzing sound when the volume is low or during a real quiet song, i can live with it, its nothing major, i was just wondering if this is normal or if it is a problem with the amp or the installation or something
could be the gains are turned up too high could be a bad ground cound be the signal lines were run parallel to the power lines and you're getting EMI in your RCA lines could just be a cheap amp. hard to tell which, but I'd check each option and see if it stops. it could also be a bad ground at the head unit causing a ground loop
I'm with patrick. I had a bad rca cable one time and that little humming noise your talking about was coming from my amp too. And a noise would pick up when i'd push the gas, but im not sure what that is.
Ive noticed that it only makes that noise when the engine is running, if i shut off the engine and just play the radio it goes away, not sure what that means though
I think it is a bad ground. Make sure you have sanded down the spot where the ground is to bare metal and then make sure it is good and tight. If the problem still occurs then start with all the signs that glass posted above.