I wanted to get a recommendation on some in-wall, more specifically in-ceiling speakers for a home theater system, as well as a non-inwall center channel speaker to go with them. They will go in my bedroom which measures 16 X 14 X 8. I'm planning on running them on a HK AVR 340.
My current system in my living room that I think sounds awesome: HK AVR 645 Athena Audition Series AS F2.2, B1.2, AS C1.2 HSU research VTF3 MK3 sub.
I'm hoping to spend less on the new system considering that the bedroom is so much smaller. Maybe around $300 -$400 on the 7 speakers (6 inwall/ceiling and one center... but that's what I said last time
I don't have any experience with in-wall speakers, except for a friend's 5.1 system that he set up all in-wall. The previous Paradigm Titan/Atom setup he had previously sounded much, much better.
You may want to reconsider the in-wall thing. What if you (or significant other) decides to re-arrange the furniture in the bedroom?
In-wall's are a trade-off in sound quality no matter how you look at it. Take any respected speaker manufacturer and compare the sound of their in-walls to a comparatively priced conventional box speaker and the sound of the box speakers will win out. However, at some multiple, a level of sound quality can be obtained from in-wall but at real steep price. If you're looking for high-quality sound you'll need to shell out the dollars - significantly over conventional - 2 to 3 times - to get the same level. It's quite interesting because the in-walls don't even come with the cabinet. HK is affliated with both Infinity and JBL both of which make in-walls of varying price. The entry levels are not too expensive but again, you will be lower in sound quality for a conventional speaker of half the price from the sme manufacturer with similar drivers. If I were you, I would be looking at more of a satelite / sub solution with wife appeal. KEF is got a very sweet sounding system out that has much of the bigger box sound and not much of the compromise of the in-walls. I'd recommend auditioning the KHT3005SE. http://www.kef.com/ca/SurroundSound/KHT/3000 Use in-walls more for ambient sound.
Oh, BTW, the KEF system will break your budget but it's worth the coin. Again, if you're sticking with in-walls, you may need to up your budget by double to triple if you're expecting to get $700 worth of sound as compared to a conventional speaker setup.