I brought a music system for my car, Im planning to install JBL GTO 947 speakers for it, but when is checked specifications.. the speakers has only 2 Ohms impedance where as my head unit demands atleast 4 Ohm impedance. Is there any problem if install the same speakers..??? Please help me with your valuable advises..
hook it up 2 ohm speakers means they use less watts to put out what a 4 ohm speaker can do so 2 0hms require less power then 4 ohms now i would go with two but if you had dual voice coil subs 4 ohm dvc sub then you can wire the voice coil down to 2 ohm load so you got to look at the way your amp is like 2ch 3ch 4ch or for subs most people use mono amps that just push subs if you dont have a mono amp thats where dvc and svc single or dual voice coils come to play it lets you take a 4 ohm speaker and load it to 2 ohms. so 2 ohms need less power to put out the same out as 4 ohms my saying 2 ohm better but its the voice coil that let you wire a 4 ohm down to a 2 ohm read read and learn about things before you buy dont be some guy with mad pockets that can buy all that expensive junk and dont know what he has cause if you read they have $100 subs that hit hard like $1000 subs only if you read and learn about the ohms and voice coils
like this kenwood kfc 12 hit hard like jl audio subs and the difference is kenwood sub avg $100 bucks 89 on sale now jl audio subs would be $300 up to $1000 buck why spend that money if you get the same thing from a cheaper sub which i think the kenwood kfc w3012 svc 4 ohm speaker 400 rms power 1200 peak is the best sub you can get for your money dig this i got two 12" kenwood kfc w3012 svc sub and kenwood 900 watt rms power amp for $279 without the box as a kit from www.millionbuy.com and crutchfield and others rated that speaker the best for less hard hitting sub unbustable they say on the market