I have a PDX 1.1000 powering a Fi BL 12" in a 2.5 ft^3 enclosure tuned at 32 Hz. The thing is I recently started to play trance music, and my current setup is too BOOMY for other types of music than rap and r&b.
The thing is I could build a 1^ft3 net sealed and save a lot of money than buying the Fi Q or IDMAX if I get the Fi BL sealed. Saving money is always a good thing.
The site doesn't recommend it but how bad would it sound sealed? Did anyone try sealing a subwoofer that wasn't meant to be sealed? How did it sound?
Ah, I think that could be it. It is an L shaped port the port hole is about 2 inches wide including the back surface. The port covers 2/3 of the back total back surface. I noticed when I played this trance type of music. Too much air to breathe?