Chumley does not remember what happened, or quite what happened, or exactly what happened, but she thought it will happen and waited and waited and it did not happen and she went to the doctor and was told it did not happen, so after all what happened did happen but it did not happen........really.
Yes chumley it is very confusing all these happenings that do and do not happen in Largo Key.
i only asked a simple question in this thread it was about solaris and a status update. i don't care if you have issue with each other and if you hate one another. this site is for sat. issue not personel ones, if that what your looking for , i'm sure there are sites for that too...
If you have question you can ask it or ask me again. This site is very open with low moderating but you can found the best answers of all sites which can't C/P or list the other site URL.
Gregraf, wish you could come here and tell me that in person,,,but you hide behind a screen name and a pc,,,,if you grow a set make your way here, but with that being said i can't see you growing a set, so you can do what you do best...