Hey guys someone was mentioning you can get this thing called majic box that you hook up to the internet and connect to yoru TV to get all kinds of channels sports etc indian channels and so on? anyone know anything about this?
its called jadoo tv.. picture quality is crap.. it takes 2 to 3 minutes to tune to another channel.. cost $ 270.. its way cheaper to get k1plus for $ 200 or phonix for around $220.. or cnx nano2 for around $ 170.. read my thread cnx nano2 vs k1plus... u will get every thing u need to know..
download torrents or newsgroups for the shows you want to watch if you want to use the internet. Hulu.com depending on the show has the best streaming video I've seen. get xbmc or boxee and you can integrate it. I actually watch the news and many things this way instead of liveTV, since I can just watch the specific subject I'm interested in, instead of watching everything.
This one post by James Johnaenel is worth a tousand posts in any forum. Actually I was working on trying to set up scripting the sequencing of selected U-tube, but the software is already there so, hurrah. Enjoy while there is no real TV.