My frend need help for set up for Nano 2, he has Bell dish setup already, he want to just hookup nano 2, they instal the new bin and conect to the router alsso , but nothing any Pak/Ind chanals or any chanals,,,is any magic...?
lol somitom no magic did u check the channels list and saw any bev channels (indo/pak on 82 west) , currently cnx nano 2 has no channels up on 82 west, which has indo/pak channel... indo/pak channels are up on 118.8 west..
somi tom cnx nano team didn't open any channels on 82 west, so u won't be able to see any indo/pak channels on 82 west i provided channels list for cnx nano2 ... cxn nano 2 have open indo/pak channels on 118.8 west, there is nothing open on 82west. so u won't be able to see anything
Ok, is the DN Disq SW 44 switch good for Nano 2..? They instal 2 Sat, 110/61.5, and they do blind scan, english chanals work but those not, 574,575,576,716,718 any coments...?
574,575,576,716,718, thes on at 61.5 now, they dont get 33" Dish yet, in the mean time the set up 119, 110, 61.5 on Nano 2, and they get english and som Adults, but these 574,575,576,716,718 not, i am using KBox Pro and i get these chanals on 61.5, so yea, i dont know whats the problm...?
somi u see those channels because kbox team open those channels on k1plus/pro cnx team didn't open those channels on cnx nano 2 so u won't be able to see.
one thing u can do is to take ur kbox at ur freinds place and see if u still get those channels on his place, or take cnx to ur place and see if they are working at ur place..