Well I have been deciding and debating on weather to get a new set up, I want it to be just straight head pounding bass, I was thinking about 2 10" hcca, an 18" fi, 2 w6s, I have an ext cab so I can't go huge. I said two 10 hcca cause I can get 2 of them in a custom box for 500, but... If something is better then f it I'll get it lol. I have seen (YouTube) a fi 15 in a ext cab and it was pretty good, I have been reading forms like I do most days when I get off of work so I'm not a complete moron when it comes to this kinda chit. I don't really have a prefernce on 2 12s 1 18s 2 10s whatever is louder. I know about ho atl big 3 but I don't really feel like spending 300plus ona atl.. if someone knows a site I can go to get a deal I'm all ears. I would like to build my box.. Who wouldn't wanna build thier own and save money ha now as you are probably wondering my budget is iffy.. I have 2000 but don't really feel like spending all of that lol after you guys help me with getting my sub I will need help getting an amp, currently I have a pdx 1000 if I can use it to power the sub you recomend sweet, if not f it lol after I get an amp I will need some box caculatons/dementions. I have a grasp on box building, but am missing a great amount of information on it. Don't be mistakin about the drivers I listed, I'm open to anything. -Domenico Zerilli
well, u only stated you needing a sub and amp so im guessin maybe you already have a hu..FI BL18 in 6 cubes tuned to around 33 hz. maybe ran off an AQ1200D. then youll have money left to spend on a ho alt and wiring and what not..
Yeaah I have a head unit already. I noticed that no one has mentioned anything about th hccas.. Are they not that good? now if I get a fi bl 18 would it beat pretty hard Ina ext cab? can someone help me on building a box? now when you say tuned to 32hz what do you mean by that? obvs it has to do with the box but how do you tune a box? is the fi bl 18 my best option?
noo, i didnt say that. both the sdc's and the ssds are gonna slam. not as hard as other subs, but this is money saving and you wont have to upgrade alt or anything.. all of audioques stuff is cheaply sold but made great. ive heard some sdc 12s and they slammed pretty hard. you wouldnt be disappointed in either of the 2 15" setups...
What is a site that I can check out some atls? I guess I wouldn't mind upgrading, this system is the one I want to keep for a whiiiile, ya know? So I don't want to upgrade later on. With alll that said...any other options that I could go with? P.s. Would it be cheaper just to beef my stock my atl up from a starter/alternator shop?