I was just wondering what you all think about Diamond Audio amps,specifically the D6 series. I need a good SQ amp that does around 1000 clean wrms at 3ohms. Trying to keep it $350ish or less. I have been considering the JBL GTO14001,Boston Acoustics GT-28,and if Im lucky enough to find one,an old school PPI or Orion. But I found the Diamond Audio D6 1000.2 BNIB for only $250 which seems like a great deal. It says it does 1000wrms bridged @ 4ohms but I figured after box rise and what not I should be ok will my 3ohm sub. So what do you all think? Should I go with the D6? Would it be ok to run at 3ohms? Any other suggestions for a SQ amp that will do 800-1500wrms at 3ohms? Also has anyone ordered from hifisoundconnection.com? Thats the site I found the D6 for $250 and it seems a little odd because woofersetc sells the D6 1000.2 for $569.99 and sonicelectronix sells it for $339.99.
It doesnt say anywhere on hifi that its a refurb and even if it is a refurb Im ok with that.I forgot all about the price match thing. Do you know if sonicelectronix does it or woofersect? And yes sir,its a TC LMS-4000 15" single 3ohm
Thanks for the info man. I just went to sonic and filled out a price match form. Only thing is,I just realized sonic is out of stock on the D6 I still would like to see how much cheaper they can make it for me though.
Daniel,do you have any personal experience with Diamond amps? Do you know if they are over/under rated?
"sweet man - i want some TC or audiopulse in my life at some point"
Yea my LMS is pretty fing sweet! I will never get rid of it,if someone wants it they will have to pry it from my cold dead hands! These things are coming harder and harder to come by.