i currently have a cap n my lights still dim a bit, ive been seein more n more that caps are useless. if i were to replace my cap with a battery would it be better? input please
Old debate. Same outcome. A cap is NOT the fix for an inadequate charging system. Neither is a bigger better battery by itself. All that does is store more energy, like a bank account. Bottom line is there is no substitute for a proper charging system (alt, wires and batt). Unless all you do is drive around charging the battery more than you play your system it will eventually fail again, and again. Big 3, batt and alt.
Leave the bling bling cap for the farmer's mart drones. A cap has uses but not for serious ground pounders. It's more like a bandaid or blindfold. Something's gotta charge that cap right? Yet another draw on the system.
I agree. but has anyone ever wondered how this would work in a Toyota Prius? doesnt the battery recharge itself? I dont know. this was probably a stupid question.
The best thing to do is to upgrade your alt and get a battery that has a ultra low ESR like the Kinetik batteries. That will be 1,000 better then trying to cover up your problem by using a capacitor.
lol funny guy. u spent the last 3 days straight postin on every thread sayin the same thing. sony explode series or sony explode 2000 if u want a bangin system. like i already said i only give a lil advice here n there, mainly read n learn from those who actually kno and have real experiance
well in my personal experience, if your running under 1500 watts then a cap will work just fine, and thats if its a good one and not one that will melt your fusses. but if you go 2000 or higher then its time to look into Optima color tops and performance alt.'s.
i may be wrong. tell me if i am because i am on the look out for a cap, and if it wont help i dont want to bother.
It is recommended 1 farad per 1000 watts and 90% of all caps are made in the same factory ...they are exported from there to various locations for the added bling. Digital Volt meters...flashing LED's....Chrome housings ect.
okay who the PHuck puts 4 or 6 or whatever caps in their car?? what a retard. I try to keep it low key but if i hear one more word about ma boi jose and his pussycat walmart exploads im gunna go off the deep end! i bet my paycheck says he hooked up the caps wrong too if this is a true story. because only a person with intellegence would know how to do it right. (if you have never seen the movie FELON with val kilmer stop reading now.) one more of these threads i swear i will stab you in the ear with a bone crusher! JESUES FML
its easy to wire up caps just hook the positives and negatives up like you do a battery...all you have to do is add as many as you need till the lights don't dim. You can pick them 1 fareds up at traders village for $19 each...you need 1 farad per 1000 watts
yeah I'm really sick of everything arguing with him. He's obviously someone messing around, and then again everyone talks to him like he's being serious.