I was in Bampton Ontario yesterday (they are known as Brown Country in Canada because everyone there is brown). I was shopping for Milk and I saw this guy flipping between dragonball Evolution and donkeyX on a viewsat9000 HD. I asked the guy if there was a fix for VS? Well.. he had an extemely heavy Indian accent, but i think he said very soon it will be releaed but won;t tell me when and won't give me the bin file so i can test at home. Obviously this guy is a VS tester and I can personally tell eveyone here that VS do have a fix, but they are not releasing it for whatever reason. I believed no codes are unbreakable, someone somewhere have the resources to take N3 down. If VS testers are watching PPV, I bet in the near future, VS owners will be too. Technically, we all know N3 switches key fast, unless you are doing key sharing, no bins have the formula or algorithm to keep nonIKS units going without freezing. Give VS more time to master this. Trust me, a fix that freezes and go down everyday is not a fix, we want stability. We just al have to WAIT.
Don't rumors make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?
nah... not true.. if there was a fix .. they should had release it.. they can say that fix has freezing.. people wanna see the proof.. if there is no proof.. its all.....
There`s a guy at a football game sitting way up in the cheap seats, he notices a empty seat down by the 50 yard line. He goes down and says to the guy next to the empty seat, anybody sitting here? The guy says no, my wife and I came to the games for years, but since she past away I come all by myself. That`s to bad friend, couldn't you get a friend to come with you? I could but they are all at the funeral.
2 school girls find themselves in a haunted house, they are frightened by the old cleaning lady. She says nothing to be frightened of girls, all the years I have been here I have never seen a ghost. How long have you been here asked one of the girls? About 400 years the old lady replied.