Since there is evicdence of the actually use of microcotroller called security chip by the M&C team at FtaTalk. Is it possible that pay attention to principal provider for preparing a Lawsuit with some electrotechnical engineer for asking a question about the need of this controller for a FTA, forecast, video watch, etc.. Is there some call to the chip in factory bin ?
there is one chip difference on the ethernet board that installs in the solaris, then the board in the nova.
MAC and CHEESE does Not used the chip cause there is none in a NOVA ..
the mac & cheece "clones" the mac address and spoofs the server with the cloned mac address.
the replacement board was available as a replacement for solaris, they figurre out that you could buy it and install it into the nova about 29$ they STOP selling them after about 3 days.
You don't understand, Nfusion business machine will be questionned about the presence of that chip needed for simple FTA usage., on all box, except Nova.
PS: Nova don't have the chip, but the design was payed with $ of Nova owners. ;-)