So I was on my way to the hardware store to get this MDF they cut for my new box. After i snapped like a twig because the douche dident have it cut after 5 hours, he finially cuts it for me 40$ okay cool. so i pick it up load it in my car and head home.. as soon as i pull out of the store my HU shuts off so im thinkin okay whatever i get 30 seconds down the road and white smoke starts rolling out from the driverside door! im like great radiator hose popped off or something my house is like 2 mins away i will fix it when i get home. needless to say the smoke did not stop it only worsened. SO bad i have to pullover at this time i pop the hood to see this! so after finding this wonderful thing under my hood i make a mad dash to the trunk grab a pair of dikes and clip the wire. When i arrive at home i find more goodies
At this point time i want to kill my self for being a RETARD but i guess when i ran this wire almost 2 years ago i ran it through the door! OMG FML. so after a wild goose chase i go to radio shack to obtain some more power wire and i explain to the clerk(some illiterate weirdo) what i need and he goes to the back and gets a spool brings it up and i tell him 14ft he looks at the ceiling and starts trying to measure this wire with his hand (HIS FCK*NG HAND FOR GODS SAKE) im like okay whatever i guess it dont take much to get a GED now dayz. he then dosent have anything to cut it with.....THATS RADIOSHACK HAD NOTHING TO CUT MY WIRE WITH..i tell the troll i have some dykes in my car and i proceed to go get themi come back in and cut my OWN wire... he charges me for 10 feet(i dident ask questions at that point) like $39 so i get to my car to notice this 31 FEET OF POWER WIRE i later measured..
Well just thought you guys needed some pictures and humor (pictures wont load i will get them in a sec