People have tried to get 118 using the standard 119 lnb and a 18 or 20 inch dish, using LNB freq of 10750 or less. The results have been usually disappointing. A year or so ago i read a thread on this subject in a reputable fta site. If you want the Anik F3 at 118.7, you should use a 33" dish and the special LNB designed for this pupose. The combo costs less than $70.
plymouth like u said never load the updates directly to receiver (kbox receiver) but load them into the computer and then from cpmputer load it to the receiver? how can i do that with kbox?
For me I download by IP adress from my computer to receiver, but I don't want tell how do it for our security.
You can made your own Null cable with 2 plug and a cable which you can buy at RadioShack or cut your null cable and add a 3 wires cable for the lengh you need.