Looking to put a sub and amp in my truck but I dont think i'll like the sound of shallow mounts under the rear seat. I'm looking at building a box that fits between my front and rear seats in the middle, kind of like this...
My box would be bigger because i have 6" more leg room in my crew cab and i'll probably make it taller.
My questions are 1 12" or 15" and what sub/amp combination for under $500. I am experienced in box building and installation so i will be doing that myself, can go a little higher than $500 but the cheaper the system the easier it is to justify. Looking for suggestions as i've been out of car audio for awhile now and not caught up on the latest and greatest.
Have a local dealer that i've talked to. I was looking at a used Fi BL fully loaded and a new Sundown 1000.1 for $700. Felt this was too steep I've read alot of good thing on Fi so i'll probably end up going with them, shipping to Hawaii is what jacks up the prices for me