but how can i catch 148w because when i point dish to 148w the i have to keep dish at 13 ezm... and when i point dish in this setting my dish face go down so pls give what i have to do
oh i got it i have to get 148w to watch aaj tak and bu4 cuz right now i have 118w for ndtv and sab so sada i need to get a bigger anteena for that? cuz i was thinking for buy a 33" one ??
lakh u already have 118 west, do u only got one dish? if u do then u just need to change lnb if u are moving smae dish. if u are gettig a new dish for 148 it use same normal (linar lnb) ans 18 inch dish.. trendsetter if these channels are on nagra 2 all rec can get thema at 148 west, not at 118..
all the channels are up even some i never got line mh1 jus. my kbox is doing great with 33" and new lnb and khub whole package costed less than 300 cdn all the channels are up thanks for your advise sada
sam i always recommend '"what is best out there" i hope u are enjoying k1plus... some coders are "testing" beta files, and u will be happy in future as more channels will be up...
yes sam its discontiuned but it will be supported , if u look at specs for both rec they are same, now u are thinking why a "need of new model" as you know that kbox hero was upgraded to k1plus so all the rec's were upgraded on their cost , now that was reall hastle process for kbox team, and people were confused about hero/ and plus model ......... so what they did is convert all hero rec to plus model ( the people who sent their box for upgrade)+ stock they have left over,...... now once they sold out, they just change the name of rec , and little price hike (lol) .. they had to make money too, but people who were lucky to get plus model saved E$ 15-35 i think new model is sold as $ 215 etc.. the other thing is ur plus model is warrantied for another 2 yrs, no matter when u purchase ur rec for example i purchaed 1and half yr ago so i can still get 2 more yrs warranty starting last weak... now that is awesome, and also if u look at nfusion nova, solaris phoneix all same , why need for new model, to avoid people "clone for those rec" now k1plus team is smart, they are doing it now because remember with nfusion they realised after few years that there are two many clones for nfusion, then they start releasing different model adding security chips etc. now kbox team is doing same thing to make their investment more secure, if u just go in to past because k1hero and cs 6100 were a "look alike" and people converted their box to hero (cs 6100 owners).. that is why kbox team upgraded their rec on their cost..