just wanted to know witch box is better right now i think you have both nfusion and k1 witch is better to buy im geting one tonight i would like to get my bev ch back any info would be great thanks
bruce nfusion has bell channels but k1plus will get them soon too not sure if u are interested in regular channels / internationals or cricket, if u are interested in internatioanls k1plus has more, if u can wait one to two weeks i think k1plus will get more channels, on other hand nfusion is also getting more channels, with picture quality wise and pvr function k1plus is much better, so choice is urs..
thanks Sada for you information i'll do some more reading on it while i wait for the guy to get here with my box.hopefully he'll get here soon then i'll pick one.have a good night.
hi all nice to see you are all still around here,i've been really busy this year i have not had much time to read up on fta .take care hope to see you all later. when i need your help setting up my new box lol have a great night.
Sada, on the Nfusion there is a delay when flipn' through channels from "110 to 91" it takes a while before U can get the Pic maybe because it's setup with a bridge router. Kbox does it have the arabic channels 61.5 or they've ported over to 118.
fresh puffs there is always delay with nfusion channel changes, i discussed this problem so man times on nfusionforum, but because box run on internet that's why there is slight delay, i saw the same thing with k1plus with iks so all box who will use internet will likely have same problem so u are not the only one, most of channels are moved from 61.5 so its better to move it to 118.8, if not today but may be in few weeks so u still need to move the dish dn is slowly moving channels from 61.5 .. i don't have 61.5 right now but i know that indian channels don't work any more on 61.5 so its better to move to 118.8
hello again sada my wife wanted the bev ch now so we got nfusionsorry i did notknow the box did not have the cable to huck to the router i'll get one in the morning do i have to load any bins first or will it up date throw the net i did some reading on it but im not understanding it thanks
u have to download the latest bin it comes with factory default so u have to download first but its only one time download... [link removed] have a good night
thanks for all your help im now watching bev ch my wife is happy and so fare i find this to be a eazy box to set up intimidting at first the how tos are confusing but did get throw it got the pvr working all so to bad you cant record a ch and watch a nother so far i give it a thumb-up