my freind just ordered a pair of 18inch Qs and is going to build a wall. he is not going for spl, all he wants is to kill the lows. so he is tuning to 24Hz. should he try to use the 1/4 wave to the dash? some one before had said 1/2 wave for something. plus that is so low i dont know if he could make 1/2 wave
24 Hz is low man...the rec tuning for those is 28 Hz, i would tune to that. 28 hz is low enough already
why do you have to build a wall? no need. just a big box with some bracing will be sufficient. idk why you would wanna ruin a vehicle for bass, unless hes going to compete. if hes gonna compete then hes going about this all wrong as far as subs and tuning, IMO.