Help with 61.5 SAB and NDTV


Bronze Member
Username: Pegg

Post Number: 70
Registered: Aug-06
I have signals 80 plus and quality also 80 plus. Still I am not getting SAB and NDTV on ultra. Are they moved to N3? Any help is appreciated?

Gold Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 9300
Registered: Jan-08
Pegg Mcintosh

Put the PID manualy

SAB Tp 12326 20000 H 5/6 v6946 a6947 a6946 up!
NDTV Tp 12326 2000 H 5/6 v7714 a7715 p7714 up!

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 15143
Registered: Jun-06
You should get NDTV on 61.5
SAB, as far as I know, is not available on 61.5.

Gold Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 9302
Registered: Jan-08
Nalin I never lose both NDTV and SAB

Here is the actual list available on 61.5W up or down.

SAB up!
NDTV Imagine up!
Setanta Sport up!
471 PPV up!
472 PPV up!
ZEESA down!
Premiere Football CI down!
Sahara Samay Nation down!
Aaj Tak down!
Headlines Today down!
Blue down!
Ant 1 Gold down!
TV Globo Internacio down!
Record Internaciona down!
RBT international down!
Sic Noticia down!
ERT World down!
Kino Polska down!
Antenna Satellite down!
Polsat 2 down!
ITVN USA down!
TVN 24 down!
ZeeTV USA down!
Max down!
TV Asia down!
Set USA down!
RTP International U down!
Zee Cinema down!
B4U Music USA down!
B4U Movie USA down!
Sahara One down!
TV Japan up!
ART America down
ART Movies America down!
LBC America down!
AL Jazeera down!
AL Masriyah down!
Nile Drama down!
Future TV USA down!
Dubai TV down!
SPT down!
KBS World up!
Dubai Sport down!
MBC USA down!
Melody Arabia down!
Dandana TV down!
Mazzika Zoom down!
Video Italia down!
STAR ONE down!
ADU DHABI TV Europe down!
Dream down!
AL Arabiya down!
NBN (Lebanon) down!
Iqraa down!
Noursat down!
Euronews up on audio only!
Bush Satellite Net up!
HHS up!
Pentagone Channel up!
Classics Art Shocase up!
ALMA up!
Florida Education up!
BTV up!
Business TV up!
3ABN up!
ITMP1 down!

I hade made this list for Sada on this thread:

Bronze Member
Username: Pegg

Post Number: 71
Registered: Aug-06
Thanks Plymouth and Nalin. I already have the same PID. Still I am not getting SAB and NDTV on 61.5.

Bronze Member
Username: Pegg

Post Number: 72
Registered: Aug-06

All channels which are up on your list are also up my ultra except SAB and NDTV. Both channels showing about 90 percent quality indicator, but no video and audio. The PID is the same that you mentioned.

Gold Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 9303
Registered: Jan-08
Pegg Mcintosh

Try it:
Do a Autoscan on 61.5W and check if it work.

If it not work, go in channel Organisation and delete all channels one by one but keep these channels:

NDTV Imagine
Setanta Sport
471 PPV
472 PPV

These channels can be assigned by other channels.

Bronze Member
Username: Pegg

Post Number: 73
Registered: Aug-06
I tried both ways: auto scan and deleting all channels except keeping the above ones. But no luck. Still unable to get SAB and NDTV.

Gold Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 9309
Registered: Jan-08

Delete all channels then do a autoscan.

Bronze Member
Username: Pegg

Post Number: 74
Registered: Aug-06
I have deleted all channels and have done autoscan. I got only 73 channels (most of them are not course) and now both NDTV and SAB disappeared. I do not see them.

Gold Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 9311
Registered: Jan-08

Now put the PID manualy.

Go in Channel Scan then enter in Edit Tp, select Tp 12326 and press F4 Add User channel put the 3 PID number then press OK, do it for both channel and Exit and save.
Search for channels named 00001 UserChan- and 00002 UserChan-.

You must rename those channels in Channel Organization.

SAB Tp 12326 20000 H 5/6 (PID v6946 a6947 a6946) up!
NDTV Tp 12326 2000 H 5/6 (PID v7714 a7715 p7714) up!

Bronze Member
Username: Pegg

Post Number: 75
Registered: Aug-06
I tried it. Created the two UserChannels, but no luck. Still Signals are 80 plus and Quality is also 80 plus, but no video and audio. I also did blind scan which found both SAB and IMG, but no picture and audio.

Bronze Member
Username: Pegg

Post Number: 77
Registered: Aug-06

Thanks for your help. It is now working. I erased all channels from Echo 3 through TP settings. And then added user TP 12326, 20000, H, 5/6 and searched only this TP first. Once I got the two channels, I then did auto scan to get remaining Echo 3 channel.

Gold Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 9314
Registered: Jan-08

You are a Good Tester!
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