What kind of equipment does everyone use when box building? I want to get an idea of new tools and equipment I should pick up. Currently I use a circular saw (free hand, no fence or gauge) hand drill, and 2 4ft bar clamps, and a 1x2ft square. A jig saw for cutting circles. I don't have much but it gets the job done fine. I use 3/4" mdf from lowes, Tiebond II, and 1 5/8" course-thread drywall screws (just picked up some 1 1/4" to see if it helps me from splitting wood).
Can anyone recommend a descent angle clamp for cheap? Also what others inexpensive tools do you guys use that are helpful?
I always countersink and predrill. If I predrill any bigger the screws waller out the holes to easy. The only time I seem to split the wood is literally that last ~1/4", so I'm gonna see if 1 1/4" screws fix that.