Haddad 301 PUFF & B75 Bins


Bronze Member
Username: Boss_hog

Post Number: 40
Registered: Oct-08

haddad 301 B75....23 Minutes Ago

haddad 301 PUFF....21...".... "

Bronze Member
Username: Lavaboy

Post Number: 43
Registered: Feb-06
Never heard of haddad puff files, how well do they work?

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 13868
Registered: Jun-06
ANY 301 BIN, whether the genuine BL BIN for genuine 2700A, or the PUFF conversion BINs PUFF_301 or the b75 version B75_301 conversion BIN,

ARE NOT SUITABLE ANY MORE, because of the freezing.
Therefore, the current advice is to use the
for genuine Pansat 2700A/E

PUFF_203V2 for converted receivers (2500/FLU to 2700)

Bronze Member
Username: Lavaboy

Post Number: 44
Registered: Feb-06
Ooops, right we would need the 302 bin next, why would they now be releasing 301 bins this morning if they do not work?

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 13871
Registered: Jun-06
Why would C00LSAT release BINs that start freezing? People release their BINs when they have them ready. It is unfortunate that the ECM gets modified during the time these hard working people are finalising and testing their products.

The bottom line is the fact that all the 301 BINs are derived from the original BIN released by Team Blacklist, and already future-fta is recommending the 203 femu BIN for Pansat 2700A.
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