I just bought a USB to Serial port cable from E-Bay and put a null adapter with it had the drivers with it and tried it out with a XP computer and no luck it configured the hardware but does not work when loading bins?? Any Ideas why it does not work???
I have a USB to Serial port cable and works great make sure that you have the correct port selected and that you are using the correct cable. Also, what happens when you try to upload the bin?
AS rj said . when u instal the driver and you hook the right cable. go to device manager and see what port number your usb cable is hooked to. when u open the loader make sure u have the same port numebr in ur configuration. and there is no way it wont work.
Well I have done all that you have said and this putter doesn't work have a null adapter after the serial plug and then a gender adapter after that so I can plug it into the Receiver,In the device manager on the computer it says all is working and I have tried all the comm ports with no luck,anymore ideas????????????
Go to Device Manager of your computer and configure the USB to serial adaptor as Com1 or Com 2. For serial cable - if you do not know what type it is and it does not work, insert a M/M DB9 null adaptor in between and then try.
The gender adapter is probably not compatable with the cable since the cable is not a true serial cable. You should not need an adapter if you are using the correct cable.