2 12s sealed is a very accurate and flat setup in the right box. Plus you still get solid SPL compared to 8s or 10s... IMO thats a very good 1st setup to try out and see what you like.
yeah your right p rick it is about tuning...i remember that from my type x...thats the thing i have no clue really...but im starting to remember traces ;) im just worried if i get 12's that when i go to turn on rock and roll or reggae the bass will sound louder than the high's and mid's, i guess thats what im worried about and i know that has nothing to do with cone size...but bear with me!!
i think its about the space you have as well, like 2 15"s in a trunk i don't think will sound as good as 2 12"s in the same trunk because of all the air they move and extra noise they create, 10"s and 12"s are said to have a tighter base i personally like 12"s but i have a 10" that has never been powered so i can't go off that yet