I am having a difficult time choosing between the Denon AVR-3808CI or Yamaha RX-V3800....Both seem to do exactly the same thing. Both also have computer hook-up stuff related too. Same amount of HDMI inputs etc. Seems like the Denon gets a tad bit better reviews here and there except that their remote stinks. I am more interested in the way music or music DVD's sound. I am more on the music side, but of course movies have to sound and be seen great as well. Can get both for about the same price near/under 1,100. Any one have any experience with either of them? What to do, what to do?????? I have all ready had a bad experience with Onkyo, so I won't go there. Tom
Yo Tom how goes it? Are you more interested in inputs and settings or sound? To choose between the two of those brands I would consider listening to them both. On the other hand, if your more into the sound maybe don;t jump into things just yet and go listen to some others at a local Hi Fi shop. No mass market store fronts Tom.
tom for music imo the denon would do better. but in that price range there are a lot of other brands out there. check out the onkyo as well. or even the nads or marantz.
IMO,if you're not into Onkyo then I would suggest going Denon, unless you like the sound of Yamaha. Personally, I found Yamaha's are a little rolled of on the top end - I think they cater to an older audience that likes a warm sound over a true sound. The Denon is a well rated amplifier and will hold it's value quite well. From what I've read it's strong against the Onkyo's and I've heard the Denon and was tempted to buy it myself.
From what I'm hearing on the grapevine, the Yamahas are sounding very clean and clear but a bit too smooth for music. The Denons seem to have a bit more bite and attack. Both are excellent on movies, but the Denon presentation is just a bit more involving therefore.
Seems like for more on music quality I should go with the Denon then. I am assuming the quality of movies seems to be the same with both receivers, while both seem to have same networking or computer capabilities. I will still wait on what others have to say yet as well. All recommendations will be taken into consideration.Thanks.