Hey, I got a problem I'm going to buy 2 new 12s as soon as you guys tell me what you think.
Right now I'm torn between 2 Cerwin Vega V-max 12s and 2 Kicker CompVR 12s. Can you tell me in your opinion which you think is better. I'm want both SPL and SQ and If you guys think the Cerwins are the way to go. I want to use a ported box. What size do you recommend for the Cerwins? Thanks for the help guys I really need it.
The V-maxes have very good sound quality. I'd do 12's. I like them. A JBL 600.1 would be great for them. I'd do the Vegas, not around as much as Comp VR's (or at least where I'm from), and the Vegas do have very good SQ and SPL with a 19mm x-max. Do a 1 cu. ft. per sub sealed, then staple about an inch of loose polyfill (pillow stuffing, get it at Wal-mart, it's exactly the same as the name brands you would buy) inside the box on each side (excluding the side where the driver is mounted). Should be very nice.