I switched from STARCHOICE to BEV, had to signe a contract for 2 years. They got me BEV dish, two dual lnbf, SW44 VIDEO PATH SWITCH, four cables and four recievers. Then I desided to try FTA and bought VIEWSAT 2000 ULTRA. I have to keep BEV because the contract but have only basic programing with them. I do get over 400 BEV channels on my VIEWSAT unforchenetly lot of these channels freeze or search for signal on and off. PLEASE would anybody know why is this happening and how to fix this problem?
It looks like your dish is not well pointed at Nimiq 2 satellite.The signal quality can easilly reach level of 75 if you do it right.Get your tools and jump on the roof.If the signal is ok than do a factory reset and rescan that satellite.Good luck.