i was going to oil change my car. the socket wrench was too long so it didn't fit the oil drain plug right but i tried anyways. i ended up rounding it.
so i went to sears and bought a vice grip and tried it. i ended up rouding it even more.
is there a tool i can use that will grip the bolt? there isn't much clearance so i can't use pipe wrench or anything big like that.
Damn Chad lol. Well, my first thought was use a vice grip but then saw you tried. Getting it off is what you gotta worry about. You can just buy another plug.
You should be able to get it off with the damaged bolt remover or something along those lines...... but an oil plug really shouldn't be very tight to begin with.
looks like ima have to buy one of those bolt removers.
stupid jiffy lube. i am never going there. not only did they make the bolt too tight, they didn't put a washer on it. i mean a washer is like 30cents. you live and learn i guess.