w/ a superdish and the 5 lnb set up...what sats are u able to get...i've seen posts on lnb connectors etc for 129 but just looking for some clarification...thanks in advance and also is the connector a worth while expense?
disregard the five lnbs etc etc...the dish is an eliptical dish...has what looks like a DP500 typ dual lnb...and then has a metal bracket with a single lnb connected to it on the left hand side if u were standing behind the dish...i assume this single is for 129? any info would be appreciated ...
ok..it's a superdish 36 inch eliptical...with a dual lnb that says HDtv on it...and then to the left (once again from behind the dish) it has a single DPlnb
so basically this is a set up only good for getting 110 and 119 as 105 and 121 are well, limited...any options on this type of dish to expand capability?