Help from an expert on a 3 way semi active system.


Gold Member
Username: Mendonmafia


Post Number: 1411
Registered: Aug-06
This same thread is in the speakers section but no one is really giving my any feed back so i thought i would put it in here.

I have a bunch of questions about how i want to setup/change my front stage.

Fist of all what i am trying to do is install a pair of CDT EF8's, one in each door and then make kick panels for a midrange driver(i have kappa's but was told i should get something better). Tweets can go in the sails or kick or door panel, wherever they should sound the best. I want to run all of this "semi-active" off of my single soundmagus CP91 4 channel amp.

The amp does 4x90rms @ 4 ohms, 4x125rms @ 2 ohms, and 2x220rms bridged @ 4 ohms.

Heres a link with further info about the amp. the crossovers are very complex.
Heres the amp test report

First to start with some amplification questions.

Would it be ok to bridge the rear two channels of my amp and run them @ a 2 ohm load? it says in the test report that the amp wont go into protect until it sees 1.3 ohms and is at maximum power.

if not will 90 watts each be enough to drive the ef8's?

will a fiberglass enclosure be suitable for the EF8's? I dont think i will be able to fit an mdf enclosure behind my door panel n the door. how much volume should the enclosure be? keep in mind i may only have 90 watts for each driver.

is it ok if the kickpanel enclosure has a tiny air space for the midrange speaker? i dont have much room to work with, im going to have to relocate my hood release.

MY x over points are going to be my subs from 28-63hz then my 8's from 63-320hz and my kappas from 125-25000hz.

i can cut off the 8's at 125 but i cant turn my highpass any higher on the kappas unless i want it to be between 1000 and 6000 but i dont think the 8's will play 1000hz very well.

any suggestions or help is much appreciated. im really looking to get the install right this time. im gonna re do my substage agian after i finally get this done.
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