Looking for a picture


Silver Member
Username: Tpizzle

Post Number: 536
Registered: Apr-05
Does anyone have the picture of the guy in his living room standing next to his rediculously large horn speakers by chance? It was a custom setup where the speakers ran from his lawn outside into his living room. I remember a post months ago that featured these pictures and I wanted to forward them to a friend. thanks

Platinum Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 10628
Registered: Dec-04
Maybe in here?
Nice pic's anyhow, of some outfriggingstanding stuff!


Silver Member
Username: Tpizzle

Post Number: 537
Registered: Apr-05
It is none of those but your right, any one of those is my dream living room. The one I am looking for has the speakers coming out through the wall and extending probably 20 feet out into the backyard.

Has anyone heard horn speakers? How does their sound compare to traditional speakers or electrostatic speakers?

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10

Post Number: 1729
Registered: Jun-07
DB I know the exact picture your talking about. Or I should say, remember the one posted on this forum. Problem is I forget what thread it was in, and don't know where it was found. I'll keep an eye out for it.

Platinum Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 10629
Registered: Dec-04
The dude with the beard, I think.
I will look too, just cause the fella is sooo funky.
I thought it was Kegger for a while!

Gold Member
Username: Exerciseguy

Brooklyn, NY United States

Post Number: 1895
Registered: Oct-04
I think this is it:

Platinum Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 10631
Registered: Dec-04
Thats the brother.
Way to go, Chris!

Gold Member
Username: Exerciseguy

Brooklyn, NY United States

Post Number: 1896
Registered: Oct-04
I had to bookmark that one.

Gold Member
Username: Exerciseguy

Brooklyn, NY United States

Post Number: 1897
Registered: Oct-04
I'm guessing somewhere in that guys past there was a trust fund with his name on it.

Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 posts!!

Post Number: 17739
Registered: Jun-06
Yeah that's nuts, but in a cool way lol.

Ambition fueled by equally astounding funding. What a great combo.

Silver Member
Username: Tpizzle

Post Number: 538
Registered: Apr-05
Yes, that is the one. thanks for the find, its got to be my favorite.

Ahh, when hobby turns to obsession.

Gold Member
Username: Frank_abela

Berkshire UK

Post Number: 3131
Registered: Sep-04
Ummm, seems to me that those very long speakers going out into the garden are purely for the bass. The other speakers in the room appear to be for the rest. I could be wrong about this, but the mouths of the horns are too close together to give a decent spread of sound I would have thought.

Insane system...

Silver Member
Username: Tpizzle

Post Number: 539
Registered: Apr-05
So have any of you heard horn speakers? Are they designed for certian types of music or are they just another look? How do they compare to electrostatic or box speakers?

Gold Member
Username: Frank_abela

Berkshire UK

Post Number: 3136
Registered: Sep-04
Horn speakers are just another design based on the principles of acoustic coupling. There are as many different sounds available from them as there are any other speakers. However, they do usually have certain common characteristics. They're usually physically large. They usually have high sensitivity. They usually have a benign impedance curve. This is why they are so often matched to valve amplifiers.

In terms of presentation, their most usual common characteristic is that they're very dynamic. The problem many people have with them (aside from their physical size) is a disconnect between bass and the rest of the frequency range, timing wise. Many horns also have a lack of truly deep bass since the horn has to be really big to be able to reproduce truly deep bass below 40hz.

People who like horns absolutely love them generally speaking.
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