I'm using a splitter, and while the first sat gets the whole range of TPs odd and even, the second unit only gets a signal, no quality at all on the even numbered TPs
Pol is V for odd numbers and H for odd as it is on the first receiver so what gives?
Molly you can not use a splitter for 2 receiver, you must use one receivers for each outputs on LNB, Because if you get 2 differents Polarity the high voltage polarity come first.
Vertical 18 volts horizontal 13 volts
If you have 2 or more LNB Use 2 switch one for each receiver, one switch for each outputs of LNBs
Yo can use a splitter but yo have to share polarity Share means if one receiver selects a certain polarity other receiver can only watch channels on that specific polarity
Splitter above 2000MHz does not produce 2 independent polarities Only Dual LNBF produces 2 independent polarities 900MHz or 1000MHz splitters do not work at all
Jerk there is no need to say sorry to another jerk. Just say sorry to Molly Dawg who you try to help. You two clowns are really fuckingup this website up while the big boy are off for the summer.
My friend there is no need to say anymore. I have alot to learn about this Hobby. I can't teach very much. You have been here close to two years and still don't know very much
Plymouth That's the same retard who can't spell Physic and electronic Lost his fake e-mail and now can't log as a member Yo shouldn't exchange words with tards