Anyone know if the Ariza 700 fix, recent fix is out yet for March 27/28. I have the March 22 file but that does not work. Any news on the new file please post
Hi guys / gals just so you guys know I am soon to be a dad So I will be busy with my new baby. Also I Will be moving to the UK because of a great opertunity for me. I am giving a heads up to everyone here. As always I will do my best to help out the comunity. I see many people working on many soulutions and was very suprized that people here at fta talk got ariza xtreame working again. were there is a will there is a way. I will be taking my ariza to the UK wonder what I will see there. I am sure some one will step up to the plate. Thanks again for everthing every one.
Post Number: 3 Registered: Nov-04 Posted on Saturday, April 01, 2006 - 01:49 am:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "WARNING" Don't ever log on, click-on or go to any links LK tells you. "HE IS THE RAT" TRUE..LK IS THE RAT P.S. They follow your IP address and hunt you down.
P.S.S. But don't worry, if you got $, it talks and you can get off. I know $$$$ Talks, but LK walks.