Hi, What if any would be the best use of a Rega Cursa3 and a Mira3 together? Or would I be best to use them individually? Any info is greatly appreciated-- PS Frank, Nuck and others helped me decide to buy the Rega stuff in Nov of 2005. Thanks, Tom
That would be an integrated amp and a preamp together. I could use the preamp alone with a cd player or turntable, but what about combined? any advantage and or would buying a preamp to add to a system with an integrated amp be a waist of money?
I don't see what you want to achieve by doing it. Some mira's have pre outs, so you could use a mira, maia pair, but if you are into the rega sound, then the next step from a mira is cursa-maia, or cursa-exxon. The cursa-maia pair is in my mind a real step up from the mira.
If the rest of your system is revealing enough, it may sound better due to the Cursa being a better pre-amp than what the Mira has in it. Pre-amps are usually the most underrated and overlooked pieces in the chain.
That being said, I'm not sure it would be worth it from an economical standpoint. I don't think it'll make a huge difference.
If this is a temporary transition from integrated amps to seperates, then it makes sense. Either get the pre-amp now and amp(s) later, or amp(s) now and pre-amp later. But if you're planning on keeping the system this way permanently, you're probably better off upgrading the source, speakers, and/or amplification first as these would most likely get more noticable results.
What on earth??? I never suggested buying a Cursa and Mira. The Cursa preamp is usually matched to the Maia power amp.
If you already have the Mira, then you can upgrade the system by using the Cursa and plugging it into the Mira's Power Amp input to use the Mira as just a power amp until you can afford a dedicated power amp such as the Maia or Exons. Alternatively you can add the pwoer amp first using the Mira's preamp output into the power amps.
I'm not sure which option I would choose since I ahve never done a Cursa/Mira versus Mira comparison before (interesting idea).