sorry for new thread, i have flu to pansat converted, each time i put new bin, i have to do first Blind scan and after Satellite scan, it take much time, i want to know how to fix this problem, (i mean) i dont want to blind scan and satelite scan. i want when i put new file, it should work without scan. i have one friend, he have the same receiver like me, flu to pansat converted. when he put the new file in, he can watch whitout scanning. is there anybody who can tell me about this please??
You can use Channel Master. Download it from
It has good instructions. The main thin you have to know is thta although you have a Pansat 2500 converted, in the eyes of CM you have a Pansat 2700 or 3500 in the software. You still use the Straight RS232 cable.
even if i use channel master, i have to do blind scan first. but i have one friend, he have same receiver like me, but when he load a bin file, he dont need to do blind scan. he get the image right after loading the file. i want to know,maybe i have to convert again my flu with another file. what u think?
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sorr but i need the answer for that problem, even if i use channel master, i have to do blind scan first. but i have one friend, he have same receiver like me, but when he load a bin file, he dont need to do blind scan. he get the image right after loading the file. i want to know,maybe i have to convert again my flu with another file. what u think?
Hussain: 1. You do a blind scan on a working BIN. 2. Take it to you computer and under CM doa read from STB. 3. Look at all the details, remove the channels you don't want, set up Parental controls, do rename, etc. all in the comfort of your computer and its editing powers. 4. You write back to you STB and watch TV. You do all above once only every 3-4 months, unless there has been a drastic change in the TPs. **-- When a new BIN comnes out, 1. you take the receiver to your computer. 2. Save the current Channel list with any minor changes you have made during watching. 3. Load the new BIN. 4. Load the saved channel list into your receiver. 5. Connect to TV and watch.
The above is as detailed as anybody would go. You should be able to figure it out yourself BY USING IT
ok thanks for that, but how come my friend receiver just need to load a new bin and we can watch rightway without using CM or scanning? maybe i should reconvert my flu to pansat and put another file, because there are two different files for conversion. one is j27_205_1 and the second is j27_205_1. what u think about that?
j27_205_1.bin was the first one recommended by jvvh. He later said to use jvvh_208_2500to2700.bin for conversion. I am only going by his recommendations.