just wondering if they are. cause i can go get one right now for 250 bucks and within an hr be watching dn again and throw my pancarp out my 3rd floor window if that is the nfusion is up for dn .
yeh tina... yesterday there was a cut of service after 10 minutes.... and then it was backup again...... today its working fine... let me know if ur freind still having problem...
a few things is going on here 'we were in middle' of new servers for proxies when all this hit and there is a bug we need to work out 'so expect' some gliches but know it is being addressed
second no one ever said iks was invincible i know i sure never did
nfusion receivers do not need to be updated very often. If you want to look and see if the receiver needs a update look here [link removed]
All you do is wait for the receiver to start working again. If when it is not reeceiving channels you try to update it via the server or start changing settings all you will do is mess you receiver up. Just wait it always comes back..
If you cannot up date through their server, then you have not got the right setup in your router. Other that mess with the setting in the router, if you just have to have the update, do it through the cable. I am still running 1.42 and doing fine.