Folks, I used to have all 15 International channels working from Echo 1,2(148 angle). SUddenly today I saw 3 channels were not workig out of all 15. So I did Auto SCan and guess what? I got only those 3 channels and rest other 12 are gone. Were channels moved from echo 1,2(148).? Why am i not getting those channels? I deleted all channels and rescanned everything but still did not work. Any help....
But I'm paying legally to DISH for some of internaional channels and those are working with as it is. so does it mean that I need to add 118 with its settings and rescan it. If yes then where will i get 118 angle settings
Not just 148 I noticed many hardware behaviour against VS receivers
Well first DN are doing ECM against Blind scan and EPG
Second Upon processing a new ECM Auto scan don't work either
Third Many Double channels causing more problems for VS
It's not going to get easier in the near future
My advice is as a new bin comes out and works well Re-do your installation and never do factory default again For now just enter each TP one at a time But by tomorrow 2/15/08 another ECM on it's way anyway