FIRST OF all thanks to coders for releasing a new bin.. i was expecting this for few weeks... i will tell u results after loading new bin... and for nfusion owners download it using through remote....
nfusion team is pleased to release v1.43
this bin is a 'must update' please update your bins as soon as you can
it will not effect your channels or scans
1. picture glitching fixed 2. iks updates 3. new sw pop up fixed
i didn't see any improvements.... i was expecting atleast parental control fix... but i guess its not fixed... and wish list remain the wish list... nothing was improved..
thats what i thought too... i don't know what freezing are they talking about may be they are talking about red light like right now its same thing.. after few minutes it says service not avaialble ant then when i change channel it start working.. so i didn;t see any fix..