Silver Member
Username: Mike_16

Reedsburg, Wisconsin Us

Post Number: 823
Registered: Aug-06
ok every wire is hooked up fine ive re ran them and checked over all of tem noomerous times. ok even when i touch teh batt thee is no spark at all. ok when i unground teh ground wire from the truck the amp goes into protect. then when i rebolt it the protect light goes back off.. ok but it wont show ower on the light . the amp wot even turn on. ive tried 3 different amps and i had the syetm working b4 but it always shutt off and wuld tunr back on whenever it wanted to. but not it dont even do anyhtign hat so ever. so what can any1 tel me what could be the problem??????????? im really f..ckin pissed i need bass back.

Gold Member
Username: Denali_on_22s

The kids like my rhyme...

Post Number: 3943
Registered: Feb-06
get someone to hook it up for you next time... there has to be something wrong with your run of power wire if the amp won't even come on... you might wanna check through everything again to make sure. if the batt isn't even sparking it could mean you don't have a charge... checkt he batteries voltage and if you did your big 3 check the connections.

Gold Member
Username: Big_edge_head

Milwaukee, Wisconsin IF IT DOESNT...

Post Number: 1372
Registered: Mar-07
I tried to read what i could,

wont show ower on the light " ?

I dont get why you taking the ground out when the amp is on?????!?!?

Silver Member
Username: Mike_16

Reedsburg, Wisconsin Us

Post Number: 824
Registered: Aug-06
ok but if it isnt getting charg why did it work b4 about 3 days ago? then just stop and i rerann al wires and stil won' work. tried 3 different amps wo't work.. and no big-edge-head.. the amp wasnt even on when i take teh ground out ok im saying when i take it out the amps protect light comes on then when i plug t back in it turns of. ok ive hooked up so many othe ystems and this is the only 1 ive ever had problems in . i just dont understand. why it isnt gettign charge cuz i know reece thats what it is but hy wuldnt it get charge? shuld i get a new power wire?

Silver Member
Username: Mike_16

Reedsburg, Wisconsin Us

Post Number: 825
Registered: Aug-06
i donhave a big 3 either. just a ittle profile 400 amp and 2 mtx thunder 3000 subs there like 4 years old and i have no clue if that amp is evena good one i just kno it works . i also trie a 600.1 kicker amp and a kenwood 1000.2 i think it is. but anyways yea woud a new power wire be good? i dont get why teh amp goes into protect when i take the ground off teh bolt. why wuld it do that?

Silver Member
Username: Stateprop486


Post Number: 284
Registered: Jan-08
have sum1 else who knows what there doing rewire and run everything for you, obivisously u did something wrong....

Silver Member
Username: Stateprop486


Post Number: 285
Registered: Jan-08
also did you hookup the remote wire? thats turns on the amp when your car is on....

Silver Member
Username: Ska


Post Number: 305
Registered: Jan-08
yea dude, i know i can't spell, but at least people can get the just of what im saying... take a step back, and reread your stuff, you make no sence

Silver Member
Username: Kaerfpl

Spencerport, NY USA

Post Number: 823
Registered: Jun-06
check your fuses

Silver Member
Username: Nickyp0219

Post Number: 523
Registered: Jun-06
^^ cant hurt

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

Post Number:...

Post Number: 6785
Registered: Jul-06
Get yourself a DMM or test light and test at the amp's input terminals for power. If it doesn't maybe your remote wire is pinched so jump the power from the power input to the remote line so that the amp turns on. If all this checks out and your amp still isn't turning on properly and you have a good ground and good power coming in then your amp is probably toast.

Silver Member
Username: B3n07

Louisville, Ky USA

Post Number: 709
Registered: Jul-07
check your fuse what kinda of hu r you using and is the ground grounded straight to bare metal or is there paint still on the metal it sounds to me like you havent ran your REM wire to the right wire on the back of the HU

Silver Member
Username: B3n07

Louisville, Ky USA

Post Number: 710
Registered: Jul-07
also didnt read everything please find a shop and buy them to hook your stuff up please bc you should never un hook any wire while you have the system turned on DUH are you freakin stupid (putting it nice)

Gold Member
Username: Shortysetnies

Rock Vegas, NC US

Post Number: 1945
Registered: Mar-06
I was also thinking remote. Check the voltage with a DMM and if nothing, see if the power wire is cut.

Silver Member
Username: Mike_16

Reedsburg, Wisconsin Us

Post Number: 826
Registered: Aug-06
ok quit the im not a dumbazz i know what i am doing. ok the REM is hooked up ( StateProp486 ) yes it is isnt crimped anywear. and i am running a alpine its older but not sure id have to go look. ok i just put al new wiring in. ok i did teh rem jumped to batt posotive and it turnes on !! ok well when i try to turn the volume up it just cuts out everytime a low bass note hits. yes teh ground is good paint removed i sanded that. ok im not stupid ive hooked many systems up and never had this problem. ok anyways.... why does it cut out when i do that rem to batt? i cant even play a song cuz it cuts out every second. ok now if i unhok that rem to batt the amp doesnt work AGAIN!!!! what can be wrong?

(StateProp486 )also did you hookup the remote wire? thats turns on the amp when your car is on....

u dumbazz yes i know wtf a rem wire is and yes its hooked up u dumb azz if u have nothign usefull dont bother trying to talk cuz u aren't helping. but anyways rem is good ground is good power is good . could maybe teh amp be messed up? fuses r good too.

Gold Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Northwest PA

Post Number: 6094
Registered: Jul-06
Insulting the people helping you........... I think we all can see who the dumbazz is

Silver Member
Username: Stateprop486


Post Number: 341
Registered: Jan-08
wow, fu(k you dude, im just tryin to help you and point out sum of the errors}, nebody netime this dude ask a question just ignore it. michael foland = as$hole, im glad ur sh!t dont work!! HAHAHA

Silver Member
Username: Stateprop486


Post Number: 342
Registered: Jan-08
"ok when i unground teh ground wire from the truck the amp goes into protect. then when i rebolt it the protect light goes back off.." <--and y are you doing this when the sh!t is on...what a dumba$$ lmao....hope ur truck blows into piece u ignorant bitC H

Gold Member
Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 3383
Registered: Mar-06
"ok i did teh rem jumped to batt posotive and it turnes on !! "

Soif you hok dat rem rom dat hu does it tun one?
yo maybee yous is runen its too ohms lowe. check it out. what shitz you all got in yo whip?

Silver Member
Username: Mike_16

Reedsburg, Wisconsin Us

Post Number: 827
Registered: Aug-06
ok stateprop486 sry for being ignorant.. i thought u were trying to say i was dumb and needed to have sum1 else hook it up. when i don't. ok sry. anyways. no when the ground was off the profile 400.1 it would go into protect and if i hooked it up it would go back off but the amp wouldn't turn ON. ok wel i have the mtx thunder 3000 12". 200 rms i think. and kenwood 81001 amp. 500rms. wel i have the rem to batt stil and it just cuts out in out in out. doesn't stop when i turn volume up. wel its single 4 ohm so it isnt hooked up wrong. and i had hooked up a power acoustic 12 that was 500 rms. that never cut out. could having the rem to batt cause the amp to cutout? my mom's b/f told me to do that rem to batt too because the h/u might have sumthign wrong with the rem but i doubt that cuz i unhooked the rem from back there and the amp doesn'e even turn on with it rem to batt. so that cant be it. why wuld it be cutting out? is it how its hooke dup rem to batt? and the amp is cutting out because its originally f.gged up?? but what i dont get is why it don't work without teh rem to batt. and hooked up regular. ? again im sry for the ignorance b4.

Silver Member
Username: B3n07

Louisville, Ky USA

Post Number: 712
Registered: Jul-07
lol state prop i said that while back and if this guy has hoooked up more than just this system then he woud know to test the rem off the battery he woul lso knowhat tking th ground off while the car is runnin it could possible damage the amp and i lay money on that he has hooked the rem up to the solid blue wire instead of the blue wire with the white stripe

Gold Member
Username: Snarl2004

Digital Design 9515, Massive Audi...

Post Number: 2065
Registered: Dec-06
re do the rem wire correctly so its just done. then if it doesnt work get a dmm and start putting it to you power wire and rem wire if you gettting voltage from both of those then your amp should turn on. double check all fuses on the amp. if it still dosnt work then make sure all the setting on the hu are correct like make sure the subwoofer output is on etc.

and a dmm is an extreamly helpful tool to have becuase it will tell you if your getting power or not, you should either get one or borrow one and start testing wires to make sure they are live.

Silver Member
Username: Mike_16

Reedsburg, Wisconsin Us

Post Number: 828
Registered: Aug-06
ben i did knw about teh rem to batt . didnt think that wuld turn it on i thought at first the amp was just fried.. o. snarl2004.ill check that rem wire to make sure its all ight. but my bro hooked the rem back up with power and groudn cuz he was the 1 installing the new mtx sub. illcheck to c if he did i rong. but how come if it was wrong if u unhook teh rem the amp turns off ? and im talking the rem from h/u.. id. il let u guys know if teh rem was hooked up wrong. whow much are the dmm's. i always wanted 1 but never knew hwo much they cotsed.

Silver Member
Username: Mike_16

Reedsburg, Wisconsin Us

Post Number: 829
Registered: Aug-06
ben i did knw about teh rem to batt . didnt think that wuld turn it on i thought at first the amp was just fried.. o. snarl2004.ill check that rem wire to make sure its all ight. but my bro hooked the rem back up with power and groudn cuz he was the 1 installing the new mtx sub. illcheck to c if he did i rong. but how come if it was wrong if u unhook teh rem the amp turns off ? and im talking the rem from h/u.. id. il let u guys know if teh rem was hooked up wrong. whow much are the dmm's. i always wanted 1 but never knew hwo much they cotsed.

Silver Member
Username: Mike_16

Reedsburg, Wisconsin Us

Post Number: 830
Registered: Aug-06
ben i did knw about teh rem to batt . didnt think that wuld turn it on i thought at first the amp was just fried.. o. snarl2004.ill check that rem wire to make sure its all ight. but my bro hooked the rem back up with power and groudn cuz he was the 1 installing the new mtx sub. illcheck to c if he did i rong. but how come if it was wrong if u unhook teh rem the amp turns off ? and im talking the rem from h/u.. id. il let u guys know if teh rem was hooked up wrong. whow much are the dmm's. i always wanted 1 but never knew hwo much they cotsed.

Silver Member
Username: B3n07

Louisville, Ky USA

Post Number: 713
Registered: Jul-07
stop freaking doulbe posting and you said a while back you didntk now about that use ur head

Silver Member
Username: Mike_16

Reedsburg, Wisconsin Us

Post Number: 831
Registered: Aug-06
no that it wuld make it work i new it'd turn it on though. anyways no teh rem wir was fine. i got a new fuse holder nd kabamm the system worked wel i tryed hooking a different amp up and then it didnt work anymore. so i put another fuseholder in and it worked again. wel it seems just to make it work i have to put a new fuseholder in everytime. wel im done with it so idk what to do anyore. everythign is fine its sumthing with the fuseholders that keep doing something. so im just gona rip the whole system out and say forget it. its been weeks now and its to much of a hastle . if any1 can tel me how o make that stop and just keep working it'd be great.

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

Post Number:...

Post Number: 6832
Registered: Jul-06
I told you to get a DMM and start testing. If you're too lazy or cheap to do that then take out your system and give it to someone that can use it. A DMM is a good way to solve problems with your car audio issues. If you don't want to listen to our advice on how to fix it then don't ask. You're not the professional here so don't talk like you're one. You asked us and we told you. Don't want to listen? Then don't ask, it's that simple. Good luck with figuring it out. Try running with no fuse on the main power line and see what happens.

Silver Member
Username: Mike_16

Reedsburg, Wisconsin Us

Post Number: 833
Registered: Aug-06
ok i looked a a dmm at radioshack tday its i think 28 bucks . not bad. ok when i get one what setting do i put it on? and how do i even test liek what do i do with it? rob sorry but i never said im a professiona or am trying to be liek one im only 17. and im not dumb enuf to run a power wire without a fuse ive been told thats very bad. idk. thanx for advise now al i need is to know about teh dmm?

Gold Member
Username: Snarl2004

Digital Design 9515, Massive Audi...

Post Number: 2084
Registered: Dec-06
alright heres what you do...

To check the rem:
Put the black dmm wire on bare metal somewhere in your car for a ground. then unplug the rem from the amp and put the red dmm wire on the rem end. It will read around 12.5 volts and if it does that you good.

if this isnt reading anything you know the rem is the problem

To check power wire:

Pretty much the same thing as the rem. black dmm wire to bare metal. unplug the amp power wire (its live so dont let it touch any metal on your car) then put the red dmm wire to it. It should read somewhere between 13.9-14.5

If this isnt reading anything then you know the problem is in you power wire. If it keeps messing up the fuse holders make sure the fuse is touching both ends of the fuse holder and is secure. It could jsut be a sh!tty fuse holder. Also check you power wire and make sure the rubber on it isnt missing anywhere thus shorting out the line and making fueses blow.

If the amp power wire and the rem are both reading good then you know the problem is you amp. Check all fuese and if they are blown get new ones. Make sure the gain isnt on zero and all the settings are right.

If everything is correct send the amp in for repair.

On you dmm use the VDC setting (voltage DC)

Hope you find the problem and if worst comes to worst you can bring it to a good shop and have them look at it.
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