Alright, so I'm looking for a sub that does at most 500 watts. I like clean, crisp bass, but I also like it to be a bit loud.
I don't have the desire to upgrade my electrical nor do I necessarily wish to save up in order to replace it which is why 500 watts is the limit (Already using about 400 watts).
I would like to spend $200 or less but will go up to about 3 if the quality is there.
The JL definately gonna be your best option between those two speakers, but it will cost quite a bit more. Like tips said, if money isn't an issue go with the JL. If you are still wondering, yes I have heard both speakers.
I would say the W6 takes it because it has better output while still nailing all the notes. Either way you will be happy with the SQ, but I don't know that you would be happy with the output of the IDQ. It was quiet in the install I heard.
You should be fine running 450-500 watts on the 12W6, but I would push for you to get the 13 W6 which has the same SQ, but more output and could handle the power better. JL is picky about pushing the subs with more than they are rated for. The 13W6 is worth the extra money.
Running 1000 watts on stock will probably be fine. If I were you I would just do a Big 3 upgrade and if you are worried about it get a yellow top put up front. Regardless, the 12 should be alright, I'm just warning you that if the product is warrantied (I'm not sure if it is or not) then JL usually doesn't like their subs overpowered at all. I would assume 50-100 watts over should be fine. Do you already have the amp?
not quite 400, its actually 300 but just wanted to be conservative cause my car is old and honestly, i dont trust the electrical stuff in it (probably going to have to upgrade the battery anyways :/) but my grandparents gave it to me after it sitting around for 10 years so no complaints haha. The 300 watts are coming from a CDT component set.
Great choice. You wont regret it. You can find them on ebay for around $319 shipped or better brand new with seriel #'s and a 1 year warranty thru the seller. Just look for the power sellers.
Matter of fact, i cant wait to put in my 12w6v2 and run it off my 500/1 amp. I havent had a system in my cars in about 8 months now and im going crazy. Time to have put in a fun system in asap.