I have replaced super d 121 with genuine dp repoint kit 118/119/110.
finally got everything right and the channels on tp 11715 scanned in.
the latest bin work perfectly excellent on 110 and 119, but when it comes to 118, the S/Q is there strong, but the screen just showed AUTO ROLL PROCESSING.
if my set up is not right, I shall not able to scan the channels in in the first place, and if the bin is not working good, the 110/119 work awfully well, why is it just 118 on auto rolling?
I am not sure they are the wrong signal, as I checked the lyng sat.com, and beside, if the signal is not correct, how did the channels scanned in to the right station id?
First make sure you are not using ViewSat Ultra, or you need special care regarding bird 118. You need to get quality signal for more than one TP to verify you indeed get the right Sat. Try other TPs such as 11789,11989,12063,12081. If your alignment/setting is right they should all come in with good quality.
Delete all the 118.7 and 119 channels u have. Add the first 4 TP's on 118.7 manually to 119 and scan 119. Make sure u set the LNB frequency to 10750. You will get both 118.7 and 119 working with just one scan. Dont do blind scan, just do auto scan
I replaced the dp 110/119/121 with the genuine dp 118/119/110 repoint kit, I do not think there is the problem with the lnb, unless I got gyp.
but the problem here is: I DO GET THE SIGNALS, AND I DID GET THE CHANNELS SCANNED IN FROM THOSE TP. and they are just auto rolling with a strong signal and quality. it is exactly the same as when the bin is not working, keep on rolling.
I am not fooling around, I am very frustrated with this, I can very assure the signal is there, if the bird is not correct or the signal is not strong, all of you knows that the screen will not say auto roll processing.
I just tried set the tp at 11715/20000/auto/auto this time, and the channels on 11715 came to be on H instead of V(I was setting at) this time, but still auto rolling.
I will try to add and set it again on 119 tonight.
thank you for all your help, I will post the result after, hope will able to help out others.
Go to http://lyngsat*com/packages/dish119.html and add atleast the first 4 TP's(sometimes just the first TP would do) on to the 119 list and scan 119 with LO 10750. Polarities are mentioned as "L" and "R" for TP''s in lyngsat and "R" = "V" and "L" = "H" for viewsat.
For example the first TP u add in 119 will be
11715 V 20000 7/8.
Make sure u delete all your 118 and 119 channels first.
here is the final resolution, and thank god, I finally got it, but it is a little different than what you guys told me. still thanx anyway.
I think for setting up 118 will be case by case, everybody will encounter differently cuz everybody has different equipments set up.
for my case:
replace super d 121 with the repoint kit 118/119/110, WILL NEED SOME MINOR ADJUSTMENT TO THE ANTENNA, to where 110/119 is the strongest.
scan sat one at a time, do the 118 first.
the setting worked for me is using E-star 9 which is 121 instead of create a new sat, sat lnb set up 10750, add a tp 11715/20000/H/ 7/8 then do a auto scan ONLY ON THIS WHOLE SAT, NOT JUST THAT TP. at least I got the channels I want to watch, so I can't be sure this will work on other people.
I also notice, some channels scanned in with the correct station ID, BUT DO NOT HAVE THE SAME FREQ AS LYNG-SAT.COM POSTED, so for the missing channels I kinda play around a little, even you can use it as guide to add tp to your sat, if you do not have any signal/quality on that particular tp, you still won't able to scan in any channels.
thanx again to this community and to those who helped me, thanx to all the coders of their hard efforts.
The DP lnb will change all to vertical but you might not be getting the stream data nessesary for autoroll with freq 10750.Try 11250 if you can or change it after scan.